

New Member
Sep 17, 2003
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hi all i'm new here,after browsing several forums i found this to be the best one, unfortunatly i'm making all the usual mistakes(mainly buying a tank before finding this site!!!!)most of my questions have already been answered after an hour or so of reading this site so thanx all and look forward getting good advise in the near future thanx again :D
Welcome, and please post any questions you may have. If you're having problems with your new tank we're always willing to help - don't get the idea we all got it 100% right from the beginning of our fish keeping careers. Mostly we've learned by our mistakes.
Hi, welcome to the group, feel free to post anything, i've posted a few dumb questions and had good answers, so post away!
Firstly welcome to this terrific active forum like you've said :D Secondly don't even think that any question is "DUMB". Every question is absoultely essential to ask if its to do with aqauriums of course ;)
lo welcome to forum m8 nice to see what you said about reading most and having your answers allready (bonus)

ever need anything just ask myself or 1 the guys im sure there be most happy to try and help you out !!!

enjoy ya stay have fun steve.../..
;) HI all Have just joined . Recently got a Tank and have added some guppies a week latter. The water does seem to be very clear do I need a more powerful filter ? Also I dont know if I have all male or all females or mix. How can I tell
for guppies its quite easy as usually those with nice tails are males and the females are generally duller
Newphish said:
;) HI all Have just joined . Recently got a Tank and have added some guppies a week latter. The water does seem to be very clear do I need a more powerful filter ? Also I dont know if I have all male or all females or mix. How can I tell
I think the priority is to get your tank cycled, otherwise you'll have somewhat more serious problems than worrying about the male:female mix of your guppies. Please follow the link in my sig as a matter of urgency, and read up on how to avoid New Tank Syndrome.

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