New To The Hobby


Fish Fanatic
Mar 31, 2008
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Hey everyone :good:

I've recently got into bettas and have a quick Q for you all.. I've brought an Elite 35 tank (using it to keep some livebearers for now.. bad first tank :crazy: ) an wana know a way of seperating it into two parts.. one of the girls i know at my fishy shop *waves.. Hey ANGIE* :shout: said that you can use a meshing from Hobby craft? :blink: how do I do it?!
Love to hear some ideas on how I can split this tank into two fantastic new betta homes :good:

luv ME!
i had the same problem yesterday, all I did was used a plastic folder and cut it to size. I then put some foam on the end to squeeze it into place.

with mesh, as far as i know I think you need something stronger at the edges so that it's stable. Have a look at some of the posts I started further down, because I asked the same question :D It really just needs to be something which lets water through, but keeps the bettas on their side!

happy betta keeping :)
You also have the option of plexiglass, which, though a little (lot!) more expensive than mesh, will be better long term. Be sure you have holes (smaller than your bettas!) drilled in it, and be sure it is cut properly.
Hi. Here's how I make mine. I buy the plastic canvas at Hobby Lobby. You can get it any craft store, or just a Walmart. If you're picky about colors (like me), a craft store's your best option.

This is the plastic mesh. It's used for rug making/loop stitching.

Then you'll need the bars from the sliding bar report covers. They're the colored things in this picture.

Walmart sells them in multi colored packs, but Staples, Office Max, and Office Depot sell them in single color packs, in case you're picky (again, like me).

You just have to cut the mesh to fit, then put a bar on the side of it. If you have substrate in your tank, bury the bottom of the mesh under it. To secure the top in place, I use suction cups. You can get any kind- the kind that come with airline tubing will work. Then just use some fishing line to tie the suction cup to the mesh. I use ones that already have a hook attached (also from Hobby Lobby), but I'm not sure how easy they are for everyone to find.

Here's how I attach the suction cups:

The final product looks like this in the tank:


Hope that's helpful! You should be able to buy enough to make multiple dividers this way for the same amount, or less, than one PennPlax divider.
I've just replaced all my dividers with "Penn Plax" dividers. There's no sticking involved, so easy to remove. They start off clear but after a couple of weeks they go white. Got mine from Dp fishways cost about £6 - £9 depending on the size.

If you dont want to buy them, and dont mind using aquarium sealant, you can get some of those plastic document binders and document folders. Cut the back of the folder to the size you need, drill holes through it, but makes sure you trim off any scratchy bits. Use the sealant to stick the binders in your tank (tank needs to be empty of water) and slide the folder bit in when its all dry.

I must say though, the Penn plax ones look good now i have them in :good:

Hi Constantine. Just a quick one - be careful with using metal in your tank, even if its out the water it can still rust. Great way of doing it though :good:
Yeah, there's a small bit of corrosion, but it's always above the water level in the tank. I'm thinking about taking them out and tying them on with fishing line.
thanks for all the advice.. im a bit p*ssed tho, cuz the site i was gona buy the 2 from sold one :X so im only gona get one now..
and hey angie!! :ninja: i still can't make my mind up 100% about puttin a fighter or pigmy puffers in marvins old tank.. ill just have to get another one!! :hyper: :blink: ill have no room in my place soon :angel:
Decisions, decisions!
I'm sure you have room to squeeze one more tank in...:hey:
A fighter's a must have and as for those Pygmy Puffers, who can resist those puppy dog eyes...:wub:
haha yeah! I've found the fighter I want; he's a beautiful dragon HM. If and/or when I get him, I'll post a picture. And I can get another tank in, just have to get a stand! :hyper: ill be living in a tank myself soon :shout:
:D me?! never :angel: hehe.. it's your fault for gettin so many good lookin stock in :good:
yeah but its only a 14 litre tank, so its not really big enough to split unfortunatly

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