New to the forum

Sorry, it wasn’t blue honey, it was blue blot (see picture)

The yellow variety is obviously much more colourfully so that would be my ideal choice.

I’d like to give Mainden heads a go! Hopefully they will have some in.

Just on a side note - fish food, currently just so they have something to eat, they are eating what’s pictured below. Which pier advised… yet it says on the back it’s for larger fish like discus… 🤦🏻‍♂️

They are tiny pellets which the are eating but is it the right stuff


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Thanks @Byron I think why I’m so keen to know what it is before I buy is because it’s sort of a “half a day” thing plus petrol / time etc
Pier is close by but it’s not on my doorstep.
Those blue fish are dwarf gouramis. Cobalt blue is a colour made by selective breeding, and they have the same health issues as other dwarf gourami varieties.

The food - the first ingredients are fish meal, soyabean meal and wheat flour. Not the best ingredients.
I have just started using Oase Organix Daily Flakes. They do a range of food in different formats - flakes, pellets etc - though the real shops that sell it are few and far between. Like most good quality stuff, we have to buy it on-line.
I have just had a look on maidenheads and they actually look quite organised with the fish they have.
There’s two with 5 miles of me and you can search which fish is stocked at which store.
I will give them a ring tomorrow and see!
Fingers crossed they have them in and I can get some on sunday
If Iv done it correctly the closet store is 150 miles away with honey gourami. 🤦🏻‍♂️ ahhh I need to take a break Iv been fish mad for 5 hours
Maidenhead Aq can be variable. Some are small with only a few common fish, others are bigger with many more varieties.

I would think there's one nearer than that. How did you find that the nearest was 150 miles away? Most shops say the list of fish is not a complete list.
Maybe just take some time to think about what you want, there's no rush and this thread has been all over the place with talk of all the different fish!
I’ve wanted tropical finish for ages, I did have them when I was a teenager (20 years ago)
I had about 6 neons, 1 shark a betta and a few other colourful ones (obviously I new nothing about test kits ammonia nitrate etc.

After our 4th house move in 2 years, then getting married and getting our two pugs, we have decorated the house and it’s all calmed down, so I thought bows the time for my fish.

My plan / knowledge when I first started was pretty much that off when I was a teenager.
So I bought my tank heater pump etc and joined on here (I almost didn’t to be honest) and if I hadn’t I would have probably gone mad in the fish shop and bought a lot of unsuitable fish.

The water cycle was a lengthy frustrating process but I was patient with it and glad I was as this is a hobby after all.

My vision was to have a wide variation of colourful/vibrant fish. But as we have all spoken about there lots of factors.

I’m sure somewere, I will find my yellow gouramis and I would travel for the correct fish

I think Iv just had a few bumps in the road and the odd bad experience a long the way, as many of you have all said you have had. There are somethings that I feel I’m really happy with (my plants for example) they’re already growing in size and are starting to look good.

I know I’m getting relatively close to the end goal, but in an ideal situation now…

What I would like is some really colourful fish

I have 12 cardinals all happy together and 12 rummies. Which is sort of like a good “starter point/bread and butter/ but I want some “stand out” fish
I hear what you're saying matey, I think we've done all we can by way of making suitable suggestions though?

I recommended the dwarf cichlids as your centrepiece fish as there are many beautiful and vividly coloured types to choose from. It appears you're more attracted to the gouramis which is absolutely fine, they're lovely too. We just want you to be aware of the risks involved with certain gourami species, not to stop you from having what you want. Some gouramis get very big and aggressive towards their own kind or relatives. Others often carry diseases that you can't cure and will inevitably die a premature death. That's not to say you're not allowed to have them if you want them.
Have you looked at the Pearl gouramis?
They're relatively peaceful, they can grow to about 12cm according to the website but I've not seen one that big before, others may have? You could have 1 male and 2 females if I'm not mistaken
I hear what you're saying matey, I think we've done all we can by way of making suitable suggestions though?

I recommended the dwarf cichlids as your centrepiece fish as there are many beautiful and vividly coloured types to choose from. It appears you're more attracted to the gouramis which is absolutely fine, they're lovely too. We just want you to be aware of the risks involved with certain gourami species, not to stop you from having what you want. Some gouramis get very big and aggressive towards their own kind or relatives. Others often carry diseases that you can't cure and will inevitably die a premature death. That's not to say you're not allowed to have them if you want them.
You have all been brilliant! And yes plenty of suggestions! You’re all just trying to help, that’s of course what this places is for.

Sorry I hope I don’t come across as in greatful as that is certainly not the case!

I like both the dwarf cichlids and the gouramis
I think there was a reason that was explained why the honey gourami had the edge over the dwarf cichlids in my tank, I’m struggling to remember, was it because they spent most time at the bottom and I have a lot of that already ?
Maidenhead Aq can be variable. Some are small with only a few common fish, others are bigger with many more varieties.

I would think there's one nearer than that. How did you find that the nearest was 150 miles away? Most shops say the list of fish is not a complete list.
It was when putting my postcode in and then selecting “gourami” it highlighted the shops that had them. Iv tried again and it’s now saying Bradford which is about 50 miles
You have all been brilliant! And yes plenty of suggestions! You’re all just trying to help, that’s of course what this places is for.

Sorry I hope I don’t come across as in greatful as that is certainly not the case!

I like both the dwarf cichlids and the gouramis
I think there was a reason that was explained why the honey gourami had the edge over the dwarf cichlids in my tank, I’m struggling to remember, was it because they spent most time at the bottom and I have a lot of that already ?
If you're not getting corydoras then dwarf cichlids are fine
So if you're not getting corydoras then the dwarf cichlids are available.

It's time to make a decision so we can help you find the fish you like the most.

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