I have never understood why some companys go to the trouble of putting feet on the bottom of cabinets. They simply cause higher load on one floor section. Good call with removing them!
Nice size tank indeed. You could house about 50 gerbils in there!
or maybe to keep the wood of the floor so any spilt liquid does not get trapped between the wood and the floor and rot the wood especially when there are gallons of water above the stand
never silicone your rocks together, if you have a sick fish or holding female you will find it hard to catch if the rocks are stuck together, also you may need to rescape your rock's to break up territories to reduce aggression
i have 60kg of ocean rock stacked at the back of my tank like a wall just stacked on each other i have had no problem just make sure base stone's are sitting on the tank base or like mine on egg crate![]()
Looking forward to the pics![]()
you can not go wrong with carl @ midland malawi's his fish are fantastic, personlly i would not use malawi salts or additives only if you are using RO water with keeping wild caught fish.