Problems in my shrimp tank

Well done! I never saw it on the shrimp, but indeed it appears to be Vorticella. I read the same article but completely dismissed the plant occurrence because I did not see it in the tank at all. I did not treat with anything but a little salt and water changes, as well as quickly removing the dead or sick looking shrimp.
This is what they looked like:
Look at entry #24
I have just discovered a white bubble like film on a few leaves of my Elodea and not on any of the other plants, is this caused by the microsporidia issue the shrimps are having? Or is this a separate issue I’ve never seen before.
Just fungus and a separate issue. Don't worry about it unless it spreads. The salt should deal with it too.

I’ve always been told my water is hard but I can order an API gh and kh test kit which will be here in two days to check.
If you use mains water form a water company, check their website for the GH and KH.

Don't bother buying a GH/ KH test because the GH and KH don't change much during the year. Most people check the GH/ KH a couple of times a year. You can take a sample of tap water to a pet shop and get them to test it for you.
This is what they looked like:
Look at entry #24
That’s exactly how mine looked, did you ever manage to figure out what happened ? Mine were molting regularly without death but then suddenly three dead in three days, haven’t noticed any deaths since adding salt. I wasn’t sure how to use salt so I added the salt straight to the quarantine tank but I have been adding the salt in slowly when adding new water in the main tank so I can see if any of my plants are struggling in particular.
I have been doing some googling on vorticella, porcelain disease(microsporidia), milk/cotton shrimp disease(myxosporea) and muscular necrosis in shrimp and they are all annoyingly similar accordimg to this article.

Also thank you Colin, I managed to cancel the test kit in time, you saved me £11 :)
I never did, unfortunately. I did the salt as @Colin_T suggested for a week, big daily water changes and fed every 3 or 4 days. The deaths stopped. The only clue to Vorticella was you pointing out that article again and looking at the plants. I was looking for signs on the actual shrimp and the closest I could map it to was Myxosporea. I like Michael's website and it is one of my trusted references.

I would have to attribute it to overfeeding, though. I was trying new frozen food and it was hard to figure out what the right amount was since the shrimp were eating it all.

Hopefully it won't come back.
I have confirmed that is was Vorticella. Found a new shrimp afflicted and just quarantined it in salt water. Keeping a close eye on the other ones. If I find additional shrimp I will salt treat the whole tank. Today was tank cleaning day and did 75% water change and a good substrate vacuum.

I seem to cause these issues whenever I try new foods and get used to how much to feed. They eat all of it, but I guess what goes in must come out.

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