I understand everyone's concerns and I appreciate all the comments.
Here is the process that I'm working with:
It envolves 4 main parts -
- Live Sand (LS)
- Live rock (LR)
- Live Water (LW) - Bacteria, algea, invertebrate larvae, and other microscopic life
- Macroalgea
These items compose 80-90% of the filtration of a reef aquarium. The belief is that - the more you have of these items, the faster the tank can be stocked w/ coral and fish.
Many of the members of the local reef club here provided me w/ most of these items at no cost - which I was really lucky.
Day 1
I took some washed Utah Oolitic Sand and placed a good 4' of it at the bottom of the tank, then added some LW on top of it. I then put some LS from an established tank on top of that - about 1" of it. (I wanted more but that's all I could really get my hands on at the time), and then added another layer of LW.
I placed some Utah Aragonite Rock as a base rock, then more LW + Pre-mixed saltwater to fill the tank 3/4 full. (that was the 2nd pic on the thread).
After that, I placed the pieces of LR (which I got from established tank and not the lfs) on top of the Utah Aragonite rock.
I finished w/ filling the tank w/ more pre-mixed saltwater.
I placed that marcoalgea and some other types of caulerpa. The use of macroalgea is what helps the tank setup quickly. I also placed the pumps to push the water that creates a rippling effect because it aerated that water.
Day 2
Added a couple soft coral frags. . . but I didn't follow on this day because one of the LR that I had gotten had some brown polys on it. And I used them to judge my progess . . . at no point did they close up and yell, "why are you doing this to me?!"
Day 3 & 4
Add a couple more soft corals. I places a xenia, kenya tree, and zoos. But I made a mistake of listening to another member of the reef club and add fish - the clown & the chromis. I do admit that I added fish too soon.
Day 5, 6, 7
Since the frags have been expanding add a cleaning crew. I added 10 hermits and 5 snails. This is where I should of added fish, but instead I took the chromis back and just kept the clown.
I also got the water tested. . . everything is good. The only high thing was the phosphate. So I got poly filter single and added it to my HOB.
I'm keeping up w/ the water changes - since I added the fishies so quickly, I did a 10% change every 3 days.
But don't worry folks - I'm slowing down.
I'm planning to add more softies maybe at the end of the week.
As for the lights - I finally found out what they are, because I decided to replace them today.
Coralife - (2) 65W 10000K, ones a actinic and the other is flurescent. With these lights I'm aware that I can't keep high maint. corals like plates etc. So I'm just planning to add good harty softies to this tank.
When I switch my cichlid tank to salt - that's when I'll use MHs.
I don't recommend other folks do this unless they have a good support crew. I'm grateful for the Wasatch Marine Aquarium Society and all the ppl that helped me set this nano up.
Okay ppl - what are your thoughts???