New Tank, New To Saltwater


Fish Addict
Sep 26, 2005
Reaction score
Salt Lake City, Utah
Well it's finally has happened. . . .a new tank that's dedicated to salt water.

I mainly have freshwater and this weekend we setup a new salt water tank. It's a 27gal bow front tank. I want to list what's going on and the progress of the tank here because this is the best forum I've come across. Plus I would love advice and suggestions from other more experienced folks :nod:

Tank, Stand, & other misc. supplies - $50 - I got a aquaclear 30 and a powerhead from this purchase. Plus a box of other goodies that I haven't gone through. :good:

Since I live in Utah - we got a good supply of rock and sand for free. And I'm not doing the traditionally cycling method. . . . .I'm following the advice of the Wasatch Marine Aquarium Society pres.

LS - Live sand
LW - Live water
LR - Live rock

(Are ppl cringing yet??)


I've got 20lbs from the Utah Oolitic Sand that I've washed and placed at the bottom. The sand is pain to wash but it's got done.

I think I placed about 2' of the sand and then placed a tiny layer of LS on top of it. Then took some LW and placed it on top of that. More Utah sand. . . a good 2' more and 1' of LS and finished it with LW.

Then I started filling w/ LW and premixed salt water - 3/4 of the way of the tank.

I added the LR to the tank and let it settle.


I left the lights on all night to get the marcoalgea a jump start.

When I purchased the LR - (40lbs) the guy have one piece w/ some button polys on it and they seem to be doing great.


I've also added some of Utah Aragonite Rock/Lake Bonneville Tufa Rock last night and aquascaped a bit. I'll take some pics and post them later tonight as the sand has settled.

I'm getting some more microalgea today and hope to add another huge clump in the tank. But so far the button polys are doing good - they're my judge on the tank going south or not. And they're open and looking good.

My thoughts are I'm going to add a couple of frags this weekend or maybe the next. I think I want to give the algea sometime to sprut.

I don't think I'll add fish til 3mos. That seems to be a good mark for me. :lol:
Definitely one for the nano section!

What sort of macro algae is it?

Is it in the main tank? Most people try and keep their algae in a sump or back chamber to stop it taking over the tank.

What lighting do you have?

How much water movement are you planning?

Good luck! :good:
Hi Sukie and Welcome :hi: to the cool section of TFF. Just some thoughts and comments to help you get you on your way:

1) Most people do NOT put macroalgae in their main tank as some types can overrun the live rock and can be a PITA to remove

2) Your aquascaping looks OK but looks like your LR is too close to the glass. If you leave it as is, you may develop poor flow areas. More importantly, you won't be able to fit a magfloat thru there. Coralline algae will build up and you won't be able to see thru the glass.

sukie said:
I don't think I'll add fish til 3mos. That seems to be a good mark for me.
You've got it backwards. You shouldn't add any frags or CORALS for 3 months and add fish first. I recommend that you go to the nano FAQ section. JMO. Welcome again. SH
Hi Sukie and Welcome :hi: to the cool section of TFF. Just some thoughts and comments to help you get you on your way:

1) Most people do NOT put macroalgae in their main tank as some types can overrun the live rock and can be a PITA to remove

2) Your aquascaping looks OK but looks like your LR is too close to the glass. If you leave it as is, you may develop poor flow areas. More importantly, you won't be able to fit a magfloat thru there. Coralline algae will build up and you won't be able to see thru the glass.

sukie said:
I don't think I'll add fish til 3mos. That seems to be a good mark for me.
You've got it backwards. You shouldn't add any frags or CORALS for 3 months and add fish first. I recommend that you go to the nano FAQ section. JMO. Welcome again. SH

Thanks for the welcome steelhealr!!

1. You're right, most ppl would not put macroalgea in their main tanks. . . but I am trying something different. More like peeing against the wind to some folks :lol: but I'm ready to handle whatever comes my way.

2. You're right my LR is close to the glass. I really don't care if the sides get hit w/ the coralline algea I just care more for the front being cleared. But are you talking bout the front as well??? I often times think the coralline algea makes a nice background.

3. Again trying it. . . . but I have read the FAQ section and it's good. I'm more like a student of the pres. of our local reef club here. And I'm following his directions. If it doesn't work. . . well I am totally out to the "I told ya so's" But if it does work. . . how great that would be for me. . . :rolleyes:

I'll keep ya'll posted on the happenings for sure ~

Again I appreciate all the advice and imput. . . it's great having a place to bounce ideas off of. :good:
Lookin great so far. Glad to see that any way you slice it you're planning on going slow. You'll save yourself a lot of headaches that way :). Couple questions for you:

Are you going for a "full" reef look, fish only, or something in-between?
Do you have an stockin oppinions on fish and/or corals for what you like?
What kind of lighting is the tank equipped with now?
I think I'll only have one or two fishies . . . and mostly soft corals.

Since this is my first reef tank . . . . I don't want to go overboard :D

The tank's got a corallife light but I don't know what model it is. . . .
Are the bulbs in it single tube or double tube? and do you have a feel for what their diameter is?
Oh I haven't yet figured out what the lights are but here's Week 1's pic:

There's a couple pieces of algea in there. . . can you tell??

I did add some fish, chromis & 1 clown.

Clown fish are classic don't you think??
Alright now slow down man, how long is your tank been up. I dont think is quite ready for a clown
Sukie...I've read the model that you are using to set up your tank. I think it is DEFINITELY divergent from standard 'protocol' for starting a nano tank. I still say to use GREAT caution, as the framework for your setup is for a mini-reef tank NOT a nano tank. Hopefully, you won't get hit with too much 'pee', although, I think chances are great that you will. Good luck with your novel way to do this. SH
Sukie...I've read the model that you are using to set up your tank. I think it is DEFINITELY divergent from standard 'protocol' for starting a nano tank. I still say to use GREAT caution, as the framework for your setup is for a mini-reef tank NOT a nano tank. Hopefully, you won't get hit with too much 'pee', although, I think chances are great that you will. Good luck with your novel way to do this. SH

Dont know if I am missing the point here or something - but from empty tank to fish in 4 days? :/ All ive read and been told would lead me to believe nearer 4 weeks !!! How is this going to work for a small reef / nano tank then?

Just curious - as im leaving ours for 2 weeks or so before even adding cleanup crew -_-
I think I do agree that the fish were a bit too earlier. But now there in and I'll just keep them. Hopefully I won't lose them.

SH - thanks for reading that.

I think we all have to learn lessons the hard way sometimes. . . . but it's good for us right?? Ready for the pee! :D
To mj32...Sukie is following a protocol developed by a president of a fish society out west. It diverges radically from what one would consider accepted methods. I'd advise readers to follow her thread for progress and results before embarking on the same method. SH

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