Went to World Of Water in Manchester yesterday, well worth the couple of hour drive, top notch bloke running the place, seemed to know his stuff and was very friendly. got discount on fish without much bartering. The fish there were really good too, alot of agressive fish mixed with a few bread and butter fish, if you like flowerhorns you'll like this place as it seemd to be the main type of fish they sold, prices ranged from about 15£ upto a good 3/400.
Got a few more fish yesterday
Cichla Temensis , about 10inch. No idea what sex it is. One impressive fish, it really strikes the food hard which is quite noisey but looks good, its been eating hikari cichlid pellets.
Datnoides Campbelli 5-6inch at a guess , really active but seems scared of everything atm especially me!
Polypterus Endlicherri
parachromis friedrichsthalii - about 4 inch seems to be relativly friendly so far, this will go into the new tank but if it gives to much agro to the other fish it will stay in the 4x2x2 with the midas which are being grown out in another tank. Definatly not scared of me or the other fish, quickly put mr grumpy Oscar in it's place when the oscar went for it.
Not a new fish but managed to get a decent picture of my grumpy oscar
Also managed to get a good snap of the retic ray, it always stays with the motoro ray, would of got a new picture of that but it was buried in the sand.