New Tank 75g Stocking Help


Fish Fanatic
Jun 9, 2008
Reaction score
Tucson, Az
i am looking for stocking ideas for a 75 gallon tank. i have some harlequin rasboras and some pygmy cories in another tank that i would like to relocate to this new tank. i was thinking of making a schoal tank due to the large size of the tank. but i am open to other ideas.

my water is very soft 0GH, 8.0PH. i also have RO water available 6.4PH. so i could use very acidic or very base.
tank has a sand bottom with lots of silk plants. water gets a little warm during the day 80F.
never seen anyone selling columbian or congo tetras.
lfs here are crap. so i would have to order online.

bosemani was on my maybe list.

here is a list i was looking at:
FW - Neon Tetra Jumbo
FW - True Rummynose Tetra
FW - Panda Cory Cat
FW - Peppered Cory Cat
FW - X-Ray Pristella Tetra
FW - Black Neon Tetra
FW - Silver Tip Tetra
FW - Boesemani Rainbow
FW - Praecox Rainbow
FW - Bleeding Heart Tetra
FW - Emerald Green Cory Cat

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