Love this site, lots of experts giving of their priceless advice and knowledge; thanks for that, its made my step back into the hobby a thoroughly enjoyable one.
However....I start to read an interesting thread, only to be suddenly faced with two experts having a go, disagreeing and getting a bit personal with their comments...and as often as not they have gone completely off the thread topic. The person who's thread it is suddenly feels pushed out as their thread seems taken over. It has happened to me on my fishless cycle thread, where someone giving freely of their advice was actually barred from posting for a month, and on several others recently; H M Dragon Devils 'Fish In Cycle' and Flubberlumps 'Fishless Cycle Help Please'...its obvious where in these threads I'm referring to!
So, how about a subsection named 'The Rant' or some such; where these guys can go and continue their arguement without pushing into threads of a different topic? The arguement itself is normally undertaken in an adult manner and is very interesting and informative once you have weeded out the occasional personal dig, and should be visible for all to read and enjoy/have a good laugh at/learn from, but its no good if its hidden in a thread of a totally different subject where it might be missed. Also it should not be 'hijacking' (?) the OP's thread.
It makes good sense for a rant section here - anyone agree? Then these folks who often have long-term issues with each other can go at it and we can watch from a safe distance as these titans battle it out!!!
However....I start to read an interesting thread, only to be suddenly faced with two experts having a go, disagreeing and getting a bit personal with their comments...and as often as not they have gone completely off the thread topic. The person who's thread it is suddenly feels pushed out as their thread seems taken over. It has happened to me on my fishless cycle thread, where someone giving freely of their advice was actually barred from posting for a month, and on several others recently; H M Dragon Devils 'Fish In Cycle' and Flubberlumps 'Fishless Cycle Help Please'...its obvious where in these threads I'm referring to!
So, how about a subsection named 'The Rant' or some such; where these guys can go and continue their arguement without pushing into threads of a different topic? The arguement itself is normally undertaken in an adult manner and is very interesting and informative once you have weeded out the occasional personal dig, and should be visible for all to read and enjoy/have a good laugh at/learn from, but its no good if its hidden in a thread of a totally different subject where it might be missed. Also it should not be 'hijacking' (?) the OP's thread.
It makes good sense for a rant section here - anyone agree? Then these folks who often have long-term issues with each other can go at it and we can watch from a safe distance as these titans battle it out!!!