New Start

I had considered using cattapa leaves in the tank. Im sure I read this also lowers the PH?
I'll have a look at different angels. I was never entirely keen on other angels though.
Would you recommend anything else to replace the angels???? I

Pity about the shark! They are one of my all time favourites
The only other fish that i can think of that act like Angels are Discus. Again, tank bred ones tend to be fine in the kind of tap water you have but the temperature would have to be higher so may affect your other fish. Pretty sure you would be able to find some wild marked Angels in your LFS, they're pretty common.

The leaves would (should!) work to a certain extent along with the usual peat, bogwood, alder cones etc but i doubt you would lower it enough to accomodate Altums. pressurised co2 would lower the ph as would RO water. Have a google mate for Altum Angels and see if you can find any journals or people documenting their experiences etc.
I had also considered glass cat fish, could I fit these in or should I possibly substitute the Congo tetras for these. I'm just not sure on my stock number wise???
You have a fairly big tank Percy, so you could achieve great things with stocking.

Glass Cats need to be in a big shoal as they are very shy and large numbers will help them to feel safe. They are one of the best shoalers available imo. Congo Tetra's are ok, but not my cup of tea really.

If it was my tank i would be looking at 8 Angels and 6 Keyholes. Then maybe a group of 15 Dwarf Neon Ranbows. I would then consider some kind of smaller Loach that won't dig as much as Clowns would. If nothing took my fancy then i would go with a group of 12-15 (maybe eventually 25) Sterbai Corydoras.
I think I'm gonna go with this for my stock list

Clown Loach x 6
Glass Cat Fish x 15
Ansistrus x 5
African Butterfly Fish x 6
Angel fish (wild strain) need to see what I can find x 6 OR
Silver Dollars x 6

Possibly a few Kuhli Loaches?

What other bottom dwellers would you recommend ....I'm not a fan of Coreys to be honest so I'm looking something different
Not a deal with clown loach. Lol. Hoplo's?

Silver Dollars are herbivorous so will munch your plants.
Grrrrrrrr there is too much to choose from.

F it I'll just get 40 glass cats
I agree. Love them! However a bit of variety would be nice, besides I'm pretty sure they were around £8-9 each in my local shop :unsure: :grr:

They are gangsters! :grr:

I like Denison barbs too however they were £9 each aswell :-(
What a lovely chance, such a big tank! I have my angels in similar water as yours but I agree with Minnnt, don't put altums in there.

Yeah gonna body swerve them.

I'll shop around until I find what I want
I wonder if there would be room for a pair of kribs in there????
My ammonia ain't dropping at all :unsure:

Doing a bit of a water change now. Hoping to drop the ammonia level then redose the tank.

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