New Salty: My 29

Hey got zero readings for Ammonia, Nitrite and Nitrate w/ the test kit on new mix water look:

Btw what are these worms, good/bad, common name???!

Oh yeah, please still post a pic so I can compare the two :)
There's a pic in my journal of the api.. last page I think.

Not sure what im looking at in the "worm" pics. Typically you can just leave them, and they sift your sand. Just don't touch if its a bristleworm, which I cannot determine from these pictures.

Not a bristle worm its clear and tubular. What about mushrooms, you said "for most corals" in your post ;)
Probably a feather duster that has not come out to play. I have dozens of those tubes throughout the tank, and you will see some get bigger and the feathers will come out if there is actually one living in it.

You COULD do some mushrooms, but OMG THEY MULTIPLY LIKE WILDFIRE! They are pretty, but they are an infestation, so is coralline! lol

So they will sting my other corals I add later??? And why would coralline be an infestation???

Btw are they the easiest coral and do they need to be spot fed and nutrients added or just flow and light???
Would I have enough flow and light if light was right on them and the powerhead right on it orr a low loght and flow coral???
Aslong as you have t5 lighting and some flow they will grow, pretty much the easiest coral going, however you can go about puttin coral food and watch them become massive even faster :p
My first diatoms ;)
notecible better in real life :)
And a small thing attached to a shell in argonite sand, not sure if it's a filter feeder or aptasia but you can't see it too well
I can't see anything. When are you getting the rest of your rock?

Mushrooms do not need to be fed. Just supply decent lighting. Coralline is just a PITA when you have to scrape it off all the time.

Mushrooms do not need to be fed. Just supply decent lighting


Yes mushrooms do get the majority of their requirements from zooxanthellae (light driven symbiotic photosynthetic process) but like i said they will benefit from being fed zoo plankton or any other small meaty item so to rule out being fed is abit silly, you will notice a considerable difference fed and unfed, as now im feeding due to my new corals needing regular feeding my mushrooms have become even bigger and brighter than before. Im just covering all bases here so you know all the facts
Mushrooms do not need to be fed. Just supply decent lighting


Yes mushrooms do get the majority of their requirements from zooxanthellae (light driven symbiotic photosynthetic process) but like i said they will benefit from being fed zoo plankton or any other small meaty item so to rule out being fed is abit silly, you will notice a considerable difference fed and unfed, as now im feeding due to my new corals needing regular feeding my mushrooms have become even bigger and brighter than before. Im just covering all bases here so you know all the facts

Oh I know, I just don't feed mine, they catch brine shrimp that float by sometimes. And they multiply without food so no biggy =)
Well thank you :)
I will be getting some more rock when ammonia and nitrite are both 0 probably 2-3 days (ammonia 0.1 ppm and nitrite 0.1 also getting close to end of cycle) and a cuc, probably 2 snails 2 hermits and a brittle star(btw do they eat algae) Also could I add more sand ontop of the sand I have now later??? I would remove all the life then add the sand to make a deep sand bed

Diatoms have thickend and there is alot more now. I will take a pic tomorrow morning.
Hey are brittle stars ok for a reef while they are small and will they eat algae???

Should I test now or tomorrow for nitrite and ammonia??? ;)
Well thank you :)
I will be getting some more rock when ammonia and nitrite are both 0 probably 2-3 days (ammonia 0.1 ppm and nitrite 0.1 also getting close to end of cycle) and a cuc, probably 2 snails 2 hermits and a brittle star(btw do they eat algae) Also could I add more sand ontop of the sand I have now later??? I would remove all the life then add the sand to make a deep sand bed

Diatoms have thickend and there is alot more now. I will take a pic tomorrow morning.

If you are adding more rock, you should do it BEFORE you add CUC. It may trigger a new ammonia spike (cured or not) and simply kill what you put into the tank. So, put it all in. Everything you want, sand, rock, this or that THEN test and add CUC.

Going to add some LR today but my tank has diatoms and 0 ammonia. Possible 1 week cycle??? Cuc, once the ammonia stabilizes after LR

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