I do not own a tank yet but have some questions?
Could many fish be in the same tank. Is it the bio load that limits the amount of fish in a 30 gallon or space because of this list about half are shy or tend to stay near the bottom so would this work in a 30 gallon FOWLR that later would be converted to reef?
Are they safe for a reef?
One Clownfish
One Six Lined Wrasse
Two Fire Fish (One Red One Purple)
Royal Gramma
Yellow Head Jawfish
1 Chromis
Pygmy Yellow Tail Angel
Citrus Clown Goby
Yellow Clown Goby
Pink Spotted Watchman Goby
I do frequent water changes. The LR is the filtration...
In response to your list above regarding fish.
The chromis need to be kept in schools of 5 or more typically. One is unfair. I would not have more than one Goby either. They are aggressive towards one another especially in small spaces.
This is a lot of fish for this tank. Cramped space...
What kind of filtration do you use or do you just do frequent WCes
Hey do you own an anemone or know anything about them
your reading this right now
Any one own a Condy anemone??? Anything about them in a new tank??? Compatibility???
Hey SaltNoob(Tyler) and Donya, thanks for keeping up on my build
BTW Donya, do you know what the white dots are on my pics???
The Condy Anemone requires strong light and should never be purchased if a good lighting system is not in place. It will do well in an aquarium with live rock and several crustaceans. Although a Condy requires a reef environment, it is not the best suited for the reef aquarium. The Condy Anemone moves around the tank and has a sting that can inflict grave damage to other anemones and corals. Do not include its natural predators such as the Red-Leg Hermit Crab. Unlike other anemones, the Condy Anemone does not have a relationship with any particular fish, and it is rare for any type of clownfish or damsel to reside within them.
You do not have lighting enough for most corals right now. Metal Halide would be preferred for this and most anemones.