New Project( Finished !)

today i have hit a major setback
the 5by1 soft wood i brought is bowed but i thought id use it as a trial and see what i could do but it turns out i can cut in stright lines and ive totaly messed up all the boards so im back to square one with the front not sure what im going to do now
i need something thats going to look ok and cover the whole front i cant even put an mdf board there as it will look weird any ideas?
( cant belive my sawing is so off..)
The stand, if simply a frame will be vulnerable to shearing failure. If you are going to clad the frame with panels, it will be okay, if not, you should add some diagonal bracing.
probably worth doing anyway, you could put, corner angles in if space is a problem and you panel the unit.
updated gonna start work on the hood soon and still no ones told me what wood i can and can not use...
just wanted to let everyone know after alot of hard work i have finaly completed the project and it looks awesome id like to thank lord zagot ( something like that) for the inspiration! my wood work skills could have been better but after meny mishaps im just glad i FINALY have it finished


forgive the tape and the extension cable ive got my old internal inside until the external gets the full cycling going should remove it in like a week

heres some of the water bridge with fish inside


my plants should have arrived about a week ago but the dam person on ebay lied dont ever shop with fishdelivered coz they come out with total bull!!

i have moonlight in there also but its not dark yet ill try get some pics tonite!
can anyone identify this
Looks great! Hmmm, I'm not sure if that L001 will be able to get through the water bridge when it's fully grown.
sorry still no night pictures
ive noticed some weird things tho

the plec you see above swops tanks once a night so one day in one tank one day in the other. ive never seen him cross over tho wish i had!
i put 3 shirmps int the left hand tank with caves and such they all swooped tanks and stayed in the right side which is totaly bare aside from heater, pump and one peice of bog wood ( that i later added just for them ) ive even gone to the lengths of putting them all back into the side with caves but nothing they swop back and stay there ( weird i thought they would prefer the caves and moss balls!)
my neons ( which are also new ) have never changed tanks not a single one of them!
i have 2 guppie females which i did an experment on i basicly forced one to cross over twice and since then it has crossed regularly but the other has never crossed.
there is one juvy guppie that swops constantly throughout the day ( the only fish that does)

i think the fact the guppie i forced to cross crosses regularly and the one i didnt has never crossed shows that fish can remember =}

ive aso noticed fish seem to get stuck in the section of the pipe that goes into the tank water
its like below the tank surface but insde the tube. they swim round like mad as if they are stuck in a breeding box or some thing. this is the only thing that concerns me about the whole project!

ill get some more pics as soon as i can!
ok i finaly got my plants!!
anyway does anyone have any ideas how to get the plants to spread on there own?
atm there in the bindings with eights i plan on letting them establish a root system before removing the wieghts and with them only being in sand im not sure if i can remove that without them floating away.
i must check out the buy sell swop area from some more mts try adn get some of the fish poop down to there roots?

again any ideas on how to spread the plants is great!




as you can see y right tank is to be planted and my left is to be minimal
i want to add a few caves and such but my slat doesnt seem to be doing a good enough job any ideas on that?


heres one of my newly added shrimp
somone remind me next time i do some maintenance to remove the old filter media and put the thermometer on the side of the tank instead of smack in the middle! lol



my moon light pics are rubbish but it does look great honest

anyone who owns a plec must get some moonlight just so you can see it in full glory i didnt relise how active the guy is until i got mine
still havnt snapped any more pic sof fish in the tubes =[
but ive noticed that the shrimp dont like to be apart theres one large one that will very realy cross tanks and the 2 littlel fellows cross within hours of him but they will never cross before him.
alot of the fish have still never used the bridge =[
Bloody good work!

...and the woodworking looked good is how we all learn, by doing these projects and are lucky to have a mum that let you do all that in the front room :good:

Where are you in the UK? (I presume you are in the UK).

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