New Oto Owner. Advice?


Mostly New Member
Jan 2, 2014
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Have him about a week in a 10 gallon. Bought him a live plant today since the man at the store told me he needs that algae since my tank may not be produciong enough without it. (I only have fake plants and decor). Problem is my tank is about full, I may be able to stick another guy in there if he really truly needs one. Anyone know some legitmate information on oto socialization to help them live the longest? Thanks!
They prefer to be in groups, at least 3, but 6 or more is best.  Problem is in a tank that size, there won't be that much algae.
They can be slow to acclimate to other foods, so that can be a problem as well.
Their algae diet needs to be supplemented with veggies...
sweet potatoes
romaine lettuce
things like that.  NOTHING SUGARY or FRUITY.
So with my current situation, would it be more harmful or helpful to add another oto or 2 ? (With the lack of algae edible, but the fish being happier in groups). What amount do you recommend I feed the oto? A few shreads of lettuce every few days with the flakes i use for the rest of the fish?
Zucchini would be best... and it should hang in the tank for a day or so, to give the otos a chance to find it.
I saw your stocking list and honestly, Rams aren't suitable for a 10 gallon at all.  So, if you could return the ram, and trade it in for two otos, that would be best.
What EA said, rams a no go in 10g, otos are fine but definitely up the numbers to about 4 of them, and make sure the light is bright enough to create some algae on surfaces.   While they will eat vegetables, they prefer straight up algae.  
I find that my otos like algae either straight up or on the rocks. :lol:
eaglesaquarium said:
I find that my otos like algae either straight up or on the rocks.
LOL that was good
I'm a little attached to my Ram, but ill consider it.
I'll talk to the guy at the fish store tomorrow and possibly buy some algae wafers? Any recommended brands? I put a piece of baby spinach on the bottom of the tank tonight that i nuked for 30 seconds. So far my Serpae tetra seems pretty protective of it LOL. Is there a chance he will even go for it eventualyl?
Otos are very shy, especially if they are alone.  So, the oto won't go near it while the serpae is standing guard.
Putting in multiple spinach or veggies gives them a chance to have one to guard and one for the oto to eat.  No preferred brand.  And don't expect the oto to go right for it.
If you can hang it from the glass, then the oto might be more interested in it.
Just added an oto yesterday.  Did this a bit 'backwards,' as I was planning to buy a pleco, which I've had in the past.  The gal at PetsMart said based on my tank, a pleco is too big, but an oto will work. She insisted having just ONE in the gank was fine, no need to have a school of them.   So, I've just been doing a LOT of fast learning online as to what the heck I bought. 
My tank is a Tropiquarium 68 - 68 liters or about 19 gallons.  I have a new Fluval heater and a new Fluval U filter - loving that!  All that has been in 4 to 6 weeks.  I also have 8 lamp eyed tetras.  Decor is fake plants. 
Based on an hour's reading, this link seems to have the most concise explanation.
Two of the reasons I like this link:
- explains how to blanch the veggies in the microwave (I didn't know how long)
- explains how to develop algae on rock for the oto
I do have a clip, so will get some veggie matter hanging in the tank later today. 

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