New Oscar Pond Diary!

whats the big channel runing next to the pond? :unsure:
Finally im done with moving, and have just got my internet set up! My pond is now stocked with a 12" lutino red oscar, a 13" red tiger oscar, a 9" red oscar, 2 convicts, 2 plecos, a pictus catfish, and an albino pictus catfish. I will post pictures as soon as I find my camera.

Note: I hardly ever see all the fish as they hide behind all the rocks, except from the oscars of course who are way to huge to hide.
Pics look nice. The water is crystal clear.
Great job, u deserve it.
Any chance of a full tank shot???
Wow this is the collest idea. If i were making a tropical pond it would have probably also have been 4 oscars. I can imagine the personality they show as they react to the world around them. Angels would have also been pretty .... not as fun though... and probably not withstand what a oscar can. I love how the albino oscar just posps out. Is there gonna be any problem with him and the sun? idk cause they don't have the melonin to help block the sun. But the water probably dilutes it.

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