Ok, i've had a pretty good idea with regards to lighting the Nano.............
Having looked around for decent tubes for my existing luminare and failing i've decided on the following (bear with me):
Equipment I have -
1 x 400w Metal Halide Ballast & 14,000k Bulb (almost spent)
1 x 150w Metal Halide Ballast & 10,000k Bulb (1 month old)
2 x T8 Ballasts & 30w Actinic Tubes (1 month old)
4 x T8 Ballasts (to run tubes 12" to 48")
Equipment is was planning to buy -
2 x T5 Power Compacts & 10,000k Tubes (for the sump)
2 x T5 Power Compacts & Tubes (for the luminare)
Now the story......the 400w halide is unused as the large tank is being dismantled so I was going to sell it. The 150w halide on the current tank is fine but I was thinking of upgrading it and wanted to use the 400w ballast to run a 250w halide (400w on a 36g is a little overkill
) but that's impossible unless you 'use up' the spare 150w. The only way to do that is to run another halide in series off the ballast but I have nowhere to run the second halide, that was until I figured out I could run it on the sump
So, run a 250w over the display tank and a 150w over the sump, all off the 400w ballast - easy. That leaves the current 150w ballast that's running the display tank halide free to use on the Nano
So all I need to buy now is a halide mounting for the sump, a mounting and 150w tube for the Nano, a 250w tube for the display tank, wire it all in and everythings illuminated brighter than Blackpool
Plus i'll have 4 x T8 ballasts to sell off and less clutter in the sump area
A lot of wiring and money but should be worth it.............anyone see any issues with a 150w over a 10g Nano (apart from heat obviously)? And any ideas for the halide mountings would be appreciated, can you use any 'floodlight' mounting?