New Member New Marine Aquarium

lol i just googled it, clean up crew.
the only thing i have in the tank at present is two clown fish, which were added 3 days ago
(because everything was fine and dandy)
sorry, i should have mentioned this in my last post
Right, N0 2 is Nitrite, correct? I use the salifert tests and always get confused with chemical symbols :blush:

That probably means your tank has not fully cycled yet - so, you say you have a friend at the lfs, take back the clowns :good:

Wait for the Nitrate spike which will follow :good:

Then do a 50% water change

Test again after a few days, if Nitrate under 10 go get your cuc :good:

Wait, patience is a virtue :nod: whilst you are waiting do lots of reading and research, make notes, plan

after a week test again, do a 20% water change if tests are ok, do a 50% water change if Nitrates are high (post on here for help)

If nitrates are under 10 then get your clowns :good:

Seffie x


ps, sorry - have forgotten how much water you have? (am assuming you have enough for the clowns)
Well, I have just skimmed (pardon the pun) through your thread and can not find any stats which suggest you have had a full cycle yet, apologies if I missed something :blush:

so just to clarify

ammonia spike
then a Nitrite spike
then a nitrate spike

looks to me like you are now starting your nitrite spike, so will need to wait for your nitrate spike :good:

Seffie x

how long would this take?
i did a small change of water the day before yesrday, ill do another change tonight also.

once the 3 spikes have done, will the diatoms reduce?
or will that only go with clean up crew?
how long would this take?
i did a small change of water the day before yesrday, ill do another change tonight also.

once the 3 spikes have done, will the diatoms reduce?
or will that only go with clean up crew?

Don't change the water, just let the cycle continue and yes the cuc will get rid of the diatoms :good: it will take between a week or two ..................patience, it will happen when it happens :nod:

Continue to test and post your stats here :good:

Seffie x

sorry to keep nagging but i have a skimmer question now.

i finally got round o putting the skimmer in cos i got hold of a second hand pump at last.

how should my hang on the tank proteint skimmer look?
the box had crap instructions and it just doesa not look right in the tank.
does it go completly under water?
if not how much should be out of the water?
where should the bubbles go to?
they just seem to be comming straight out the top.
also if the top has to be out of the water this does not give me mucj room from the built in lights.
Depends, which model skimmer? :)

The bubbles should foam out just barely into the collection cup.
so if the bubbles flow out of the top the air is too high ?
i may need to go buy another pump then as its on its lowest setting and still comes out the top
i think i sorted the skimmer, i got a valve adjuster to lower the bubbles and seems to be ok now, though not much muck in the skimmer yet.

bought my mnutrafin master test kit and spend an hour doing the tests which are as follows.

nitrite - 0
nitrate - 0
amonia - 0
ph - 8.3 (maybe a little less but the colourse look the same to me as they do for 8.1)
kh - 20/21
gh - well this test told me to keep adding 1 drop of liwuid at a time untill water turned blue, but i got to 40+ drops and lost count)

have not done the other tests it had yet.

the diatroms appear to not be getting any worse so i think thats on the way out too.
and (sorry i still have them) 1 of the clowns i had was dull looking when i got it, but is now a very vibrant colour. and they both look like they are doing really well.
love their frozen foods and flakes alternated.

so looks good
Sure you did that KH test correctly? I've certainly never heard of a level that high and don't even think it's chemically possible in seawater. Don't bother testing GH, it's a measure of all the solids/salts in the water... Your test kit tries to measure parts per million while seawater is measured in parts per thousand ;)
Sure you did that KH test correctly? I've certainly never heard of a level that high and don't even think it's chemically possible in seawater. Don't bother testing GH, it's a measure of all the solids/salts in the water... Your test kit tries to measure parts per million while seawater is measured in parts per thousand ;)

from what it said in the book i did it right, but then as with the gh i started loosing count so ill retest it again later.
hi all, things seem to be going great.
i did another test and all nitrite, nitrate and amonie are still 0.
has been 2 weeks in a row now.
the diatrons seem to be taking over though but i gave it a good clean last night on the glass and at least looks a bit better.

still only the two clowns in there but the skimmer seems to be collecting crap now.
so think im on a roll.

also i discovered some life on my live rock.
they are really small and you have to look hard but i found (how can i describe them) a clear tube like thing with what can only be explained as a trumpet with hairs on the end.
and 2 fluresent green ones which appear to be growing every day.
anyone any idea's what these are?

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