New Member New Marine Aquarium

bought the protein skimmer.
also bought some ocean rock and a big lump of live rock yesterday.
boy does that stuff smell.

checked my testst kast night
nitrite at 0.3 on new liquid tests.

ill upload my full tests when i get home tonight so you can all let me know what needs doing.
thanks all
Is the live rock forming the basis of your filtration?

If so you will need a lot more than one piece. Also it is better to add it in one go. This should limit you to one cycle.

If you add more live rock at a later date then your tank may have a mini cycle. Not a problem if the tank is uninhabited but could kill any inverts if you have added these.

ocean rock will take a long time to seed as live rock. how much or what ratio of ocean rock / live rock are you planning?
Is the live rock forming the basis of your filtration?

If so you will need a lot more than one piece. Also it is better to add it in one go. This should limit you to one cycle.

If you add more live rock at a later date then your tank may have a mini cycle. Not a problem if the tank is uninhabited but could kill any inverts if you have added these.

ocean rock will take a long time to seed as live rock. how much or what ratio of ocean rock / live rock are you planning?

the rock is just for a bit of added life and filtration, it is not to be the main form of filtration.
just want a little rock to make it look more realistic.
So you are planning to use a can for the main bio-filtration? If so, you want to look at and follow a fishless cycle with liquid ammonia/rotting food as per usual for a freshwater tank
i thought the plan was for a fowlr set up?

am i confusing myself?
i would like fish live rock (slowly added) inverts and corals
i have to get live rock bit at a time due to costs.

here are my test results from today

PH = 8.0
hydrometer test = green

how is it looking after day 10?
i think the bit at a time approach will go against you.

If you want to do it this way i would get all the live rock in.

then you can sort out the livestock once water quality is established.

then sort out the lighting.

then the corals can finish off the tank.
how is it looking after day 10?
still too early to tell IMO since the rock went in not long ago. since you said it smelled then you'd probably be expecting alot of die off so your ammonia would climb. how much rock do you have in there? for your tank size, probably around 5-9kg would be good. continue testing your ammonia and wait for its fall. having said that i assume you have a heater and powerhead in there already. hydrometer being green is vague actually. you might want to invest in a better one which gives you +/-0.001 or a refractometer.
had a few issues with the ph, but finally at last the tests are all reading good.
so i can finally start putting something in it.
am going to the shop on tuesday to see what i can put in there
hi all im back
i have a few more questions if i can.
as you know from my previous posts, my tank has now been running for a month now and it went through its cycle ok.
had some issues with ph levels but they finally got sorted out with a trip to my store. and after checking for 4 days in a row it all appeared ok.
I now have noticed there is a LOT of brown algae growing.

i want to do my first water change but have had a few conflicting opinions of how this should be done.
one said to use my gravel cleaner to sock it up exactly as i did with my fresh water tank.
and someone else told me i should just change the water in the external filter itself so as not to be dealving into the tank and lifting everything up.

whats the best way to do this?
i will update my current water stats shortly also.
hi all im back
i have a few more questions if i can.
as you know from my previous posts, my tank has now been running for a month now and it went through its cycle ok.
had some issues with ph levels but they finally got sorted out with a trip to my store. and after checking for 4 days in a row it all appeared ok.

Ok, but you still haven't posted your stats? Would like to see them please

I now have noticed there is a LOT of brown algae growing.

Diatoms, we all get them, they are a natural part of the cycle

i want to do my first water change but have had a few conflicting opinions of how this should be done.

When you have done your tests and you have had a Nitrate spike do a 50% water change

one said to use my gravel cleaner to sock it up exactly as i did with my fresh water tank.

No, leave the gravel alone, you cuc will deal with this

and someone else told me i should just change the water in the external filter itself so as not to be dealving into the tank and lifting everything up.

Don't lift anything up in the tank, just do a normal water change - take the water from the main body of the tank

whats the best way to do this?

Use a syphon

Hope that helps :good:

i will update my current water stats shortly also. Good

Seffie x
right i have just done tests now and this is what i have

n02 - 20
n03 - 1
ph - 8.2
kh - 240
amonia - 0

this is done with my 5 in one test strip
but with my liquid nitrite test it was 0.8

i cant uderstand the big leap as when it was tested last week in the shop (by my good friend who is very good with fish) we got it just right (after a few days of help)
and nothing has changed since then

forgive me im not up to date with all obreviations yet lol, what do you mean by "No, leave the gravel alone, you cuc will deal with this"

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