New Member New Marine Aquarium

yes your right, i had it nice and level before in exactly the same place, now its tilting slightly to the left and front. only a tiny bit, but i think thats whats causing the condensation coming out this corner.
im going to get a few big buckets so i can temporarily move the water while i re-level it.

suprising how its in the same place as it always was and now its not level. lol
It's just the sealant under the rim if it's above the waterline. Common "fault" if you can call it that, down to the manufacturer not applying enough sealant. Older Fluval tanks are particularly prone to it IME, so unless you've bought it in the last few months or it isn't a Fluval, it's likely you got one without enough sealant under the rim :sad: Drop the water level and take any flaps off to keep the rim as dry as possible, clean up arround the joint, dry it, wipe it with methelated spirit soaked cloth and then re-run a bead of silicone arround it and it should stop after being given 48 hours to cure. It needs to be kept dry during this time though :nod:

All the best
Welcome to the salty side.

Get that bogwood out of there and start scouting the classifieds and auction sites for live rock. Please don't pay shop price.

Seffie this is for you - i love the way you lay out the answers within the quote but the colour you use make it hard for me to read on my monitor. If you could use a lighter/more contrasting colour my ageing eyes would be grateful. :)

For you my dear anything :good:

Seffie x

It's just the sealant under the rim if it's above the waterline. Common "fault" if you can call it that, down to the manufacturer not applying enough sealant. Older Fluval tanks are particularly prone to it IME, so unless you've bought it in the last few months or it isn't a Fluval, it's likely you got one without enough sealant under the rim :sad: Drop the water level and take any flaps off to keep the rim as dry as possible, clean up arround the joint, dry it, wipe it with methelated spirit soaked cloth and then re-run a bead of silicone arround it and it should stop after being given 48 hours to cure. It needs to be kept dry during this time though :nod:

All the best

I have the same problem with my jewel tank. It was always "wept" from the same spot on the front glass. Just condensation but annoying all the same. a daily wipe clears it up for me anyway.
does anyone have any ideas about the leak, drip i mentioned?
it is coming from right up under the factory sealed hood older, not sure if you can see from the pic.
top left corner.
its a constant drip, but the water line itself is below this.
i have noticed the tank does get a lot more moiture on the hood that it used to with fresh water so im guessing its just condensation.
is there any way i can stop this as it is getting increasingly annoying to have a salt water trail down the outside of the tank every morning.

when i take everything out for the live riock i think i will also get some more buckets, take out the water and re-level the tank as it appears to have sunk on the left side. this may also fix the leak maybe.

Just a little note Robin - if it is condensation then the water isn't salty since salt does not evaporate with the water. You will loose water from your tank due to evaporation and you must only top up with RO water (or non-salty water at least) else your salinity will increase to high levels.

Sorry if I'm teaching you to suck eggs but I'd just thought it better mentioned :good:
thanks for that, i hadnt realised that.

also i have leveled off the tank a bit, spent hopurs at it lol.
still leans a very slight bit to the back, but i couldnt get it any leveler.
also sealed the corner where the drip was, so lets see what happens.

have removed the orange rock and the bog wood.
plan to get some live rock over the weekend and hopfully some new lights.
been to a different shop today. my loccl fish shop rather than the all in one pet store i was going to. they seem a lot more knowlegable that the other shop.
they advised to wait at least 3 weeks for the tank to cycle before putting anything in, even live rock. so i just purchased a nitrate kit for now.
am looking in to getting a full master kit.
will get lighting in the week and then patiently wait.

as for the leak, this appears to be fixed wither by my resealing the top corner orby my hours spent re leveling the tank last night.
been to a different shop today. my loccl fish shop rather than the all in one pet store i was going to. they seem a lot more knowlegable that the other shop.
they advised to wait at least 3 weeks for the tank to cycle before putting anything in, even live rock. so i just purchased a nitrate kit for now.
am looking in to getting a full master kit.
will get lighting in the week and then patiently wait.

as for the leak, this appears to be fixed wither by my resealing the top corner orby my hours spent re leveling the tank last night.

oh for goodness sake, why an earth would they say wait three weeks before putting in your lr :crazy: that is mad - there is absolutly no reason to wait anytime - get your water in, correct SG and temp and then put your lr in - test after a few days for ammonia, expect a spike, then again after a few days test again - hopefully you will have a nitrite spike, then again test after a few days and get a nitrate spike - do a big water change, test again after a day and if nitrates under 10 then buy your cuc :good:

seffie x



most of us on here use salifert tests - more expensive but more reliable
Totally agree with Seffieuk :good:

Leaving a tank running for 3 weeks with nothing in it wont cycle anything, cus theres nothing cycle.....if you get my drift :blink:
I may have missed it, but what kind of tank are you going for here? Just Fish and LR, or are you ultimately wishing to keep corals?
I may have missed it, but what kind of tank are you going for here? Just Fish and LR, or are you ultimately wishing to keep corals?

i would ideally love to have it all, fish, live rock, inverts and coral.
but i will have to work up to it.

seffieuk- this guy apparently has a diploma in fish care (according to his wife that is)
hmm, well if you gays (appologise if any of you are galls, just a figure of speak) say to start now then ill get some lr asap.
it will probably be later in the week now.
the first shop i went to was because i know the lady there, used to work with her years ago, fool of me to believe this diploma guy over her. she has said preety much the same as you guys.

maybe ill stick with you and her for sound advice.
thank you all for your wonderful knowledge and kindness towards me, ill keep you all posted with pics and news.

another question which i have probably been told wrong buy the shop.

what should my test results look like?
and more importantly, what are all the tests i should be doing.
i have a general idea from info here and in many other places, but i want this thing to go right so i want to be sure.

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