New Kitten With Fleas


Fish Fanatic
Feb 26, 2007
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hi everyone i just a white kitten from my friend but the kitty also came with fleas and lots of them so i bought a flea shampoo at walmart for 3 dollars and it did kill some of them but kitty still has more and im just worried cause she's in my room and she likes to sleep with me in my bed,so any one got any suggestions?
You can get a good monthly spot-on treatment that will protect your baby from fleas, ticks, intestinal worms and heartworm all in one treatment. They work really well, are usually safe for kittens over 2 weeks old, and you can get them from your vet or at a pet store. hope this helps.
If it's a young kitten that's new to you you might want to take it to the vets for check up. Just get it checked over to make sure it's in good health, and while there talk to your vet about the flees. It's likely that he'll wash the kitten for you to get rid of the flees and gives you advice on how to stop them coming back.

Don't forget to also get the kittens it's vaccinations and the booster shots =)
I use advantage on my cats and have never had a flea problem. There is a new treatment though that apparently protects against fleas, ticks, mites and other things. The best thing to do is ask your vet.
try some household flea products aswell for your house as if you just treat the kitten then the fleas will keep returning until you have treated you home aswell .

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