New Gar

WOW!!! They are beautiful! You should charge your neighbours an entrance fee to view your tank and help with the feeding. Hey I'd pay!! :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:
Awesome video!
The gar is gorgeous! I love his little pectoral fins XD

WOW!!! They are beautiful! You should charge your neighbours an entrance fee to view your tank and help with the feeding. Hey I'd pay!! :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:
thx a lot :) i am having a new bathroom installed this week and all the builders are well impressed,one of them even knew what most of the fish were,he said people eat knife fish in asia is that true?maybe i will eat mine if i have any problems with it :sick:


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What were u feeding them in that vid??
And wat filters/lighting/decor are u going to have in ur new tank??
Can't wait to see it :)
on that video is that a HUGE fire eel i can see? if it is...that is masssssssssssssssssssssive did you buy him that size?
yes its a fire eel when i got him he was about 18" it aint grown much maybe 2"

What were u feeding them in that vid??
And wat filters/lighting/decor are u going to have in ur new tank??
Can't wait to see it :)
im feeding them river/ghost shrimp they are everyones favourites.
the new tank is gonna have 2 x eheim pro 3s one of which will be the thermofilter + maybe a powerful pond filter or a couple of internals im not sure yet,lighting will just be standard and decor will just be a few large pieces of bogwood
its not a alligator gar tho -_-

Then what kind of gar is it? The reason I thought it was an alligator gar was because the other day when I went to the lfs to buy a new tank I looked at the fish and the exact fish you have was labeled alligator gar. Looks like the lfs made yet another mistake. Sorry
you will need a tank wider than 24" for a spotted gar long term.they are not flexible at all so once it reaches 24"+ long it will not be able to turn round

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