Micro pellets or flakes for Neon Tetras staple?

Most bacterial additived should be allowed to sit for a day because they need to settle into their new home. By this I mean attch to solid surfaces both in the substrate and in one's filter(s). One should also turn of the lights as the bacteria are somewhat photosensitive.

Also, when in tratnsit the bacteria cannot be allowed to freeze as that kills them. Recent science has shown them to be able to withstand more heat than had been thought to be the case. Also, the nitrifyiera, because they do not form spores, are able to sense when what they need is no longer present and that sends them into a state of dormancy. They will awaken when what they need again becomes available. I would assume any real delay in delivering goop may have that effect.

So for that reason as well as knowing they are OK, I would agree with doing a single dose of ammonia between 1 and 3 ppm (based on your planned stocking) and if you can test 0 for ammonia and nitrite n 24 hours, then all is good to go re stocking. If you have a lanted tank then I would not exceed 2 ppm as some plants do not do well with too much ammonia in the water.
This bacteria is slightly different. You don't add it to the tank, but instead apply it to the filters directly and massage it in. I don't believe this is available across the pond but could be wrong.
There is no dormant bacteria, this is live stuff, and as such needs to be in the tank, and subjected to ammonia asap or it will die off.

Applied the bacteria today around 2pm fish added around 6pm (after aclimatising, water added from tank water to bag over the space of an hour, fish taken from bag with net and added to tank).

Will report back tomorrow with the readings.
Got the fish (11 NT) and have 6 plants in there yesterday.
The goop arrived also and got it in all the filter mechanisms.
Fish not fed yesterday but gave a small amount today of the Hikari micro pellets about an hour ago (pre soaked in tank water).
Seems I judged the amount right as it was pretty much all gone in 2-3 mins.

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