Definitely TOTM!! Ur tank looks grrrrrrreat!! R those the new rocks u bought? Don't tell me they r £50 each?! But definitely worth it!! Looks Suuuper!!
And ur fishies r so cool as well! R the cats called Upside down cats as in their common name? I saw them selling it in Pets@home. Didn't know they'll get that big tho! FOTM for ur calvus/grumpy looking fish as well!! B)
Excellent ank and fishies!! TOTM 4 tank and FTOM for !st pic!
I think the catfish is a Syndontis Sp. They look a bit like Syndonits Angelicus, but they are dark brown with white spots
yayyyyyyyyyyyy at last i know what catfish they are!!!!!!!!
thanx muchly ken
cant believe all the FOYM and TOTM nominations!!!!!!
feline.....that rock is £50 for 25 kilo's....ive just gone and got some more today so i can cover up me filter....will post more pics as soon as its done....might do it now actually
hmmmm maybe I'll revise my guess, could also be Synodontis Eupterus, the spots get further apart as it grows and the adult is more silveryfrom looking in the Baensch book....