New fish

Feb 13, 2004
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I had some new fish delivered today from Trimar. :) It WAS going to be a tank with all South American fishies, but masses of hair/thread algae coupled with advice all saying the same thing eventually persuaded me to get some Siamese Algae Eaters. And within half an hour of going into the tank, all three were munching away at it - bless them! :wub:

Also had a pair of bristlenoses - Ancistrus claro (LDA08). The male disappeared into the back of the tank and hasn't emerged yet! - but the female's been out and about. She was hanging around on the front glass when a busy oto came past, and mistook her back for a piece of the furniture, but she didn't bother at all for a few seconds, then just shook him off! Aren't fish interesting, I could watch them all day....
jams.alaskan said:
How cool, you have your own cleanup crew and now ALL of them have shown up for work! :D
Unlike me, spending my working at home day either watching the fish or posting about them :*)

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