Hi there tropiquaria. I also focus on goodeids but spend plenty of time right here talking about things like mollies and guppies. Everyone has their own interests after all and few people have much access to goodeids. I wish it were not so, but it is true. Are you a participant in the C.A.R.E.S. program? They will give you credit for any endangered or threatened species that you provide the room for and most goodeids fit that definition. If you are not already signed up through your local club, maybe you could encourage them to become CARES sponsors. There is little club burden involved in it. I am the ALA contact for CARES and am trying to get my own local club to sign up as sponsors too. As far as a local club, the only real responsibility they have is providing a quarterly list of member participants and their fish to CARES. As I see it, I can do that for both the ALA and my local club with maybe an hour total per quarter. Who cannot spare that much time?