New Cory

you know, the cory and platty idea is very possible. I have a guppy and cory 55G. My guppies breed like crazy (just like platties) and i sell some occasionally. Cories breed pretty easily too, some species, like your 2 cories, what i'm saying is that you can have a tank full of cories and platties, for a very little cost, they just need your time and patience (to raise them) :)

That is a very good point. If you can get the right combo of male and female Bronze C. Aeneus, feed them well and have the right water conditions, they will breed like crazy. Once they start the usually spawn every 3-4 weeks. However, rasing the fry is a lot more complicated then rasing the fry of live bearers because they grow a lot slower and are more sensitive to water conditions. So its not a good idea to raise cory fry with platty fry.

As for the Peppered Cories, Ive heard they arent that hard to breed either, they just eat their eggs very quickly. They also eat the eggs of other cory species, so you might have a problem there.
Platty fry, you can leave in the tank if you have alot of hiding places for them. Cory fry, you would have to raise in another tank, but a fun idea! :)
Hey thanks for the replies, i've been away the weekend...anyway, yeah that's kinda what my plan is if I get my bonus soon...55 gallon tank or so with platies and cories, saw another post by someone who wanted to do that and was thinking that's a good idea...anyway, yeah for now due to crowding, I don't want to add anymore corys..i mean what do you think? Below is what is in my tank...I know about hte CAE's being bad, but they haven't ever had any probs yet...usually the two cories do their own thing or sometimes they swim wiht the CAE and eat food together...Also, one of my dannios has gone missing, I can't find a body, and it could be hiding in the cave with my blue platy who is afraid of getting humped or has been humped too much by my sunset wag tail who is always after her....I thought I had too much to add anymore cories for now, otherwise yeah, I definitely wanna add a nice group and make a spawning tank eventually too as my two fav fish are platys and corys now.

Thanks again

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