New Aquarist Needing Advice!

Ill have a look around. I take it it's just pure liquid ammonia? Would it matter if its another few days before I introduce it to the tank ie if I have to buy it online?
SOme ammonias have different perfumes, surfactants and other weird and wonderful chemicals in them. Shake the bottle. If it foams, like kid's bubble stuff, it's bad. If the natural bubbles disappear like they would if you shook water, then it's fine.
Well I had a good look for some ammonia today to no avail! Looks like I'd have to buy it online. Not great when its easier to buy live fish than it would be to buy the ammonia that could sort your tank out before you put them in :(

I've just had a look at my filter which is a marina external filter that came with two tropical fish pads, the filter is brown at the top and looks dirty. Is this is good sign? Could this be an indication that the cycle product may actually be working?

Also got myself a test kit so will put my results up here for everyone's expert opinions!
Also my brother had a mature tank however it is cold water fish. Would I be able to use his filter media? If I could, what would we have to do with it?
Yes, you can use media from a cold water tank; the bacteria are the same :)
He can donate up to a quarter of his media without it affecting his tank, as long as it's replaced with new, so the bacteria can repopulate his filter.
Just put it in your filter; on the intake side, if you can, so the flow encourages the bacteria to move onto the new media, but anywhere would do.
The dirt in your filter could well be a good sign, but without adding any ammonia and seeing if it disappears, there's no way of knowing.
Oh, I'm sorry!
Anything that lives in the filter; usually sponges or ceramic rings. Filter floss (the cotton wool type stuff) isn't so good at holding bacteria, but would do in a pinch :)
There may be a very thin layer of bacteria on gravel/decorations, but not really enough to kick start a cycle.
The bacteria cling on to surfaces, quite tightly, so water won't do anything to help.
Sorry to be a pain but what would I have to do? Cut some of his sponge and put it in my filter? Sit the sponge in the water in my filter?
Lol, don't worry about it; it can be really difficult to explain things clearly online!
Yes, cut a bit off and put it in your filter. Near the intake of you filter is best, but it doesn't matter too much.
Oh; make sure the sponge doesn't dry out on the way home; keep it damp :)
Ok I'll do that tomorrow! Do you think that will get things started pretty quickly? Sooo much to learn here isn't there, it's actually very daunting if I'm honest.
Don't worry; everyone feels overwhelmed at the very beginning, I think!
it'll soon make sense to you, I'm sure :)
Mature media usually speeds up cycles a lot, because you're just multiplying an existing bacterial colony, rather than growing one from scratch
Just to bring you all up to speed!

My brother was slightly unsure what to do with his media and we didn't want to risk his tank by removing some so ill leave that.

I've managed to obtain ammonia, from a local store and I have my api master test kit!

My water has now cleared again from being cloudy is is currently sitting at a steady 25/26 degree.

My water PH tested for 7.6 and with adding ammonia for two days my reading is showing between 0 and 0.25 ppm.

Thoughts everyone?
Turn the temperature up a bit; around 28/30°C is best for cycling.
You want two or three PPM.
It really would help to get some mature media; even a tiny clipping will help your cycle; his tank can easily recover, as long as you don't take more than a third, and replace it with some new :)
You think? Sorry for asking you to teach me how to suck eggs but would he just switch his filter off, cut a small piece of sponge off and I'd place it into my filters water tank area?

What do you make of my water PH?
JayP said:
You think? Sorry for asking you to teach me how to suck eggs but would he just switch his filter off, cut a small piece of sponge off and I'd place it into my filters water tank area?
Yes, exactly that
Make sure it goes in your filter; not just in the tank though. Tanks can donate up to third of their media (as the bacterial colonies can double in size every 24/36 hours) without it affecting them.
What do you make of my water PH?
It should be fine. If it drops during your cycle (which can happen, as ammonia tends to be acidic and nitrate is) you can either do a water change, or add some bicarbonate of soda, to bring it back up.

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