I feel its time for another instalment of ‘mattys reef time’ as always this post will be mostly in picture format but I’m sure you will like all the same.
The green hair algae is over and the victor is me however the filter floss I have been using has been making things little difficult winning the war, the floss was ditched after the last lot was changed I noticed that my skimmer was nutts!!! After that discovery I have removed and replace with sponge and the war was won! The last bits are being eaten by my urchin! I know reed it aging gif you don’t believe, and if you still don’t then you can borrow him! Anyway where was I…oh yes the reaming algae are dieing away and the rock should be ready for scaping and the sand bed ready for instalment.
As you may have read a recent change of phosphate remover have lead to my fish flicking and the regal to get whitespot. So a counter measure I have got the UV in for the time being. This will be used on the water change tank when I get it done so it can double up as a QT tank.
Skimmers still doing the job since the mods and I feel some more coming on watch this space.
My right hand overflow had a leak on it and the result was some of the inside cabinet getting wet this has now been addressed and the cabinet opened with the dehumidifier intake shoved in the opening.
Reading some posted here and there lead me to try a mod for the skimmer air feed by drawing air from outside it’s colder hens denser giving grater air/water mix. Or so IO believes, please correct me3 if I’m wrong.
Return pup changed once aging for an Eheim 1060 @2280lph I feel this is more suited to the sump to tank turnover.
ACT800 doing the job however I have a little mod for it with thanks to steve@reefdreems. Will keep you all up-to-date on this one.
Last pic of the sponges change out with the filter wool. I have 3 sets and need to change them every 3 days I feel these might be ditched in a while and a more time effective method of particle removal introduced.
This is all for now, trying to source another new wave maker pump and I have the SR400 (Aquamedic) coming soon that will have to be looked at.
Keep reefin’!