New Additions For My Tank?


Fish Fanatic
Jun 12, 2013
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In have a 100ltr (26Gallons)
There is the following:
- 3x BN plecs (2x female 1x male)
- 3x Guppies
- 1x Male Siamese Fighter
- 1x Dwarf Flame Gourami
- 1x Albino Bronze Cory
I would like to get a few more, as there is ample room in the tank. What would people suggest?
personally id probably take out either the guppies or the siamese fighter as they tend to have problems with each other
id add more corys to bring the number to at least 6 
id add a shoal of tetra in there myself maybe rosey tetras 
Someone else told me the same thing, they all get along just fine, the even swim from side to side of the tank in a miniature school behind the fighter. I thought they would have issues as well, but they seem fine
I want to get some tertas defienetally, i want some neons and black widows, rummynoses and some glass catfish
I had heard black widows were nippy. They could chase your betta. 
no black widows then :/
umm, i would like to get a medium sized fish that would be ok in the tank, but not big enough to eat my small fish like the guppies etc
Black Widows are not 'nippy' in general, when they are kept in small numbers yes, but in a group of 6 or more they shouldn't be a problem. I'd personally go to 6 Albino cories and add 6 of any tetra you like, with the exception of probably congo tetra. The size of the fish doesn't really matter when it comes to eating other fish, it's the mouth you need to be cautious with. Look at rehoming your dwarf flame and adding 3 three spot gourami maybe? 
I couldnt do that :/ i love my flame gourami lol
I would like to get a normal dwarf gourami and maybe a neon blue gourami, is it bad to mix gouramis?
Gourami and betta are conspecific - they compete for the same area of water, and will, eventually, attack each other.
Neon Blue is a colour morph of the Dwarf Gourami - 2 males will also not get along with each other.
You want to get another 5 albino or bronze cories - the albino is a colour morph of the bronze, so they will be happy as a mixed group. Then you could have a shoal of some sort of shoaling midwater fish (peaceful tetras such as cardinals or lemons, or perhaps some harlequin rasboras, or cherry barbs)
I didnt know the cory's liked to be with others, my mother has 3 but they are never near eachother
Is their any peaceful cichlid i could put in with my fish?
My main issue, is that i like colour, but i dont want justa cichlid tank or anything like that...... i must be a real pain :/ haha
No such thing, really, although some are much worse than others. Most aren't suitable for your tank, but Bolivian Rams, or an Apistogramma sp. would do the trick.
I like the look of both of them, but i think i would go with the Bolibion Ram first

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