Fish Fanatic
yeah thats one of the misconceptions about angelfish is that they're sweet fish when in reality they are are predators that will try to eat anything it can lol.
90% of fish will eat whatever fits in their mouths. You can't say that an angel is aggressive for eating neons, just like you can't say neons are aggressive for eating brine shrimpbiggerfish said:yeah sadly angel fish will eat everything that fits in their mouths, angel is the exact opposite of what they are. Your rasboras and tetras would be gone in no time
That would actually be 65 gallons so your okay in terms of stocking but I would forget the cories to keep it that wayMan of fish said:Not really sure about what cories I want. Maybe pandas.
Tank dimensions are 48"x14"x22" and it's a 55 gallon which I think is somewhere around 240 liters.
Man of fish said:My platies are a breeding pair. Never had a problem with them. If I do I can easily add another female but for right now they're fine.
My canister filter will be rated for up to 100 gallons so a little overstocking isn't toooo bad.
Wow, I had no idea that what I said was so offensive towards you and am deeply sorry...biggerfish said:to the guy who said all fish will eat smaller fish, that doesn't make an angel aggressive. So your saying that neons are just as aggressive as a gar because they both eat fish smaller then themno, not at all, angels are PREDATORY fish, in other words they actively seek out fish for food (which neons do not). putting an angel in a community tank like that could be a disaster.