New 50 gallon stocking ideas

I was going to answer the other post but then I saw this suggestion and I also think it would be a really good Idea!
What I think I would do:
a pair of pearl gourami
5 ottocinclus
10 corydoras
15 neon tetra
1 amano shrimps
Is this stocking alright?
It looks alright to me. Wait for a few weeks after the rank is cycled and has the other fish before adding the otos and amano because they need an established aquarium. If there is not enough algae/biofilm for them get sinking wafers or put veggies in there for them. Be sure to have sinking pellets for the cories because they cannot live on leftovers :)
It looks alright to me. Wait for a few weeks after the rank is cycled and has the other fish before adding the otos and amano because they need an established aquarium. If there is not enough algae/biofilm for them get sinking wafers or put veggies in there for them. Be sure to have sinking pellets for the cories because they cannot live on leftovers :)
Great thanks for your help!
I would get at least a trio of pearl gourami, they do better in larger numbers.
would the bioload still be alright with what I listed? Also are the neon tetra and pearl gourami temperature compatible? I made some research and I am not so sure
would the bioload still be alright with what I listed? Also are the neon tetra and pearl gourami temperature compatible? I made some research and I am not so sure
Pearl gourami like temps above 76, what temp do you plan?
Picking up a couple of issues from recent posts...

If Pearl Gourami (and this is a real beautiful fish) a group of five (two males, three females) would be good in this sized tank. This is minimum (when more than a pair) and seven or eight, with mpore females to males, wold really be a sight. Floating plants. Ideal.

Neon tetra are healthier in cooler rather than warmer water. Also, given their common weakened state these days due to decades of inbreeding from commercial breeding, the cardinal tetra would be a better fit. It likes warmth. And on temperature, cories generally prefer the cooler temperature of neons, but a temp of 78F would be OK especially for the few species that do tolerate this better, like Corydoras sterbai and C. duplicareus [the usually-labeled "adolfoi" but which are almost always duplicareus). And the orange post-orbital flecks of C. duplicareus nicely complement the orange pectoral fins of C. sterbai. These two species are often suggested with angelfish and the same holds for pearl gourami.

This answers the listed stocking, and you have room for more fish if you like. I would look at rasboras next, a group of 15 or so of Trigonostigma hengeli or T. espei. The former has that brilliant copper patch which again picks up the orange from the mentioned cories so another nice colour complement.
Top- Hatchet Fish, assuming you have a lid cuz they jump, personally i like marble hatchets or Dwarf Guorami inhabit the top.

Middle- Tetras including at least 6 of ceach, Neons, Cardinals, glolights, black neons, (rummynose(my favorite) flame tetra, penguin tetra, ember tetra,emporer tetra, any rasbora, dwarf pencil fish, beckford pencilfish.

Bottom- Any Corydoras at least 6, Bolivian RAM 1 a pair or a group of At least six. Or Apistogram dwarf cichlid pair or a pair or group of pygmy gouramis.

Algae Eaters- group of Ottocinclus or a Bristlenose pleco, or a clown pleco( only gets 3 inches) nerite snails, Amano shrimp.
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Top- Hatchet Fish, assuming you have a lid cuz they jump, personally i like marble hatchets or Dwarf Guorami inhabit the top.

Middle- Tetras including at least 6 of ceach, Neons, Cardinals, glolights, black neons, (rummynose(my favorite) flame tetra, penguin tetra, ember tetra,emporer tetra, any rasbora, dwarf pencil fish, beckford pencilfish.

Bottom- Any Corydoras at least 6, Bolivian RAM 1 a pair or a group of At least six. Or Apistogram dwarf cichlid pair or a pair or group of pearl gouramis.

Algae Eaters- group of Ottocinclus or a Bristlenose pleco, or a clown pleco( only gets 3 inches) nerite snails, Amano shrimp.
Pearl gouramis are mid to top dwellers.;)
Picking up a couple of issues from recent posts...

If Pearl Gourami (and this is a real beautiful fish) a group of five (two males, three females) would be good in this sized tank. This is minimum (when more than a pair) and seven or eight, with mpore females to males, wold really be a sight. Floating plants. Ideal.

Neon tetra are healthier in cooler rather than warmer water. Also, given their common weakened state these days due to decades of inbreeding from commercial breeding, the cardinal tetra would be a better fit. It likes warmth. And on temperature, cories generally prefer the cooler temperature of neons, but a temp of 78F would be OK especially for the few species that do tolerate this better, like Corydoras sterbai and C. duplicareus [the usually-labeled "adolfoi" but which are almost always duplicareus). And the orange post-orbital flecks of C. duplicareus nicely complement the orange pectoral fins of C. sterbai. These two species are often suggested with angelfish and the same holds for pearl gourami.

This answers the listed stocking, and you have room for more fish if you like. I would look at rasboras next, a group of 15 or so of Trigonostigma hengeli or T. espei. The former has that brilliant copper patch which again picks up the orange from the mentioned cories so another nice colour complement.
I like the corydoras you named, I didn't know the orange one and also I will try to get cardinal tetras. Also with all the things you listed + what I listed for exemple : 15 cardinal tetra, 15 rasboras, 5 pearl gourami, 5 ottocinclus, 10 corydoras, 1 amano shrimp, one nerite, will I be still able to not do a water change during 2 weeks if I am in vacation? I have and will have more fast growing plants and I have a filter for 40 to 70 gallon. I prefer to understock just to be sure
Top- Hatchet Fish, assuming you have a lid cuz they jump, personally i like marble hatchets or Dwarf Guorami inhabit the top.

Middle- Tetras including at least 6 of ceach, Neons, Cardinals, glolights, black neons, (rummynose(my favorite) flame tetra, penguin tetra, ember tetra,emporer tetra, any rasbora, dwarf pencil fish, beckford pencilfish.

Bottom- Any Corydoras at least 6, Bolivian RAM 1 a pair or a group of At least six. Or Apistogram dwarf cichlid pair or a pair or group of pygmy gouramis.

Algae Eaters- group of Ottocinclus or a Bristlenose pleco, or a clown pleco( only gets 3 inches) nerite snails, Amano shrimp.
I would like to get bolivian ram or appistograma but I am scared they would be agressive when they would possibly breed. I really like the idea of sparkling gouramis, I didn't think about that
I would like to get bolivian ram or appistograma but I am scared they would be agressive when they would possibly breed. I really like the idea of sparkling gouramis, I didn't think about that
Apistogram can get pretty aggressive when breeding but the great thing about bolivian Rams is they can be kept as a single which means no breeding.
If one did keep a breeding pair though if one wants corys the corys will eat the eggs and fry at night and during the day constantly being chased away. Those corys are greedy little grubbers:) cute but greedy.

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