New 50 gallon stocking ideas

If it was you keeping angels, Byron, what would be the solution in this case?

It seems quite a conundrum. 5-7 angels are needed, but the more angels the higher chance of a pair, which will leave you with less angels, and adding new angels to an established group is non-ideal. I can't see a solution to this.

I have not kept angelfish simply because I cannot provide what they need, or at any rate I have never been inclined to do so, so I stay with other fish species.

This points out why research into the species before deciding to acquire the fish is so important, and the only way to succeed with healthy fish.
Hi, I would like to know if ember tetra would get eaten buy pearl gourami? I might get a smaller schooling fish like them so that I can have more, I think it would look nice especially if they school tight.. So here is my second question, do they school tight?
Hi, I would like to know if ember tetra would get eaten buy pearl gourami? I might get a smaller schooling fish like them so that I can have more, I think it would look nice especially if they school tight.. So here is my second question, do they school tight?

It depends upon the temperament of the individual pearl gourami fish, but generally I would not expect issues. An ideal tankmate for this gourami is one of the Trigonostigma species, especially the two smaller ones, T. hengeli (my personal favourite because of the iridescent copper blotch on the "axe" mark) or T. espei (the "lambchop" sometimes commonly called).

There is also the dwarf rasbora species in the genus Boraras; these are the same size roughly as the Ember Tetra, but a lovely red.

The Trigonostigma species are very tight shoaling fish; I have had both species several times, and a group of a dozen or so will remain very close as a group. The Ember Tetra tend to do this too, though perhaps less overall. Same for the Boraras rasboras.
It depends upon the temperament of the individual pearl gourami fish, but generally I would not expect issues. An ideal tankmate for this gourami is one of the Trigonostigma species, especially the two smaller ones, T. hengeli (my personal favourite because of the iridescent copper blotch on the "axe" mark) or T. espei (the "lambchop" sometimes commonly called).

There is also the dwarf rasbora species in the genus Boraras; these are the same size roughly as the Ember Tetra, but a lovely red.

The Trigonostigma species are very tight shoaling fish; I have had both species several times, and a group of a dozen or so will remain very close as a group. The Ember Tetra tend to do this too, though perhaps less overall. Same for the Boraras rasboras.
Perfect, I also really like the T.hengeli rasboras so now you made the choice of the stocking of my tank even harder haha
Hello, I said I would not put shrimps in that tank but after seeing how pearl gourami eat, I don't think there would be any problem. They only eat tiny food, even my paradise fish eat bigger food than them.. How many amano shrimp should I get? I would take shrimps and no otocinclus because I am too scared I won't be able to feed them and I never had any shrimps. That is kind of random but am I the only one who tought shrimps like CARDINAL shrimps were salt water?

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