Top- Hatchet Fish, assuming you have a lid cuz they jump, personally i like marble hatchets or Dwarf Guorami inhabit the top.
Middle- Tetras including at least 6 of ceach, Neons, Cardinals, glolights, black neons, (rummynose(my favorite) flame tetra, penguin tetra, ember tetra,emporer tetra, any rasbora, dwarf pencil fish, beckford pencilfish.
Bottom- Any Corydoras at least 6, Bolivian RAM 1 a pair or a group of At least six. Or Apistogram dwarf cichlid pair or a pair or group of pearl gouramis.
Algae Eaters- group of Ottocinclus or a Bristlenose pleco, or a clown pleco( only gets 3 inches) nerite snails, Amano shrimp.