New 4 Foot Reef.

Came down? I guess you don't just mean you took it apart yourself?
Well it had to come out because of a loosing battel with my tenants in the flat downstairs how have moved there bedroom into the room below mine. So I made a new stand and put it in the hall way moved over everything got 80% done and one of the bulkheads on the tank started to leak so I gave it a little tighten and CRACK! corners gone sraight through the hole! I sat down and cryed for about 10 mins then got drunk! What makes it worse is I've just spent £300 on new equipment and £120 on a pair of WC Black and White Amphiprion ocellaris.


Now well out of pocket with a cracked tank I cant replace! I'm looking into fixing it tonight but have had to come to work today because I've had friday and monday off and the works piling up on my desk. I should be doing it now but I'm ringing round for quoats on a new tank.

To look on the bright side I can now go bigger because I buile the stand @ 1220 x 650.
thats just plain bad luck, good luck finding a new one though :good:
Oh no matt! that sucks big time! Well if you want some help give me a call ill come down and help out :good:
Wow, thats a raw deal there Matt :(. Good luck getting things straightened out :good:

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