New 4 Foot Reef.

Lol, dont worry matt, as long as I get royalties we're cool :good:

Dig those clowns m8. Just read the thread for the first time.. What an ordeal. So much money and time spent only to have that misfortune thrown at you.
One thing to note and it plagues all of us, it concerns wires, miles an miles of spaghetti. you think some bright spark would invent something that would make all that rope obsolete.
Anyway more power to ya for sticking to the task.
Well after the repair I got myself a new tank and backing and some new pipe work. I’ve got the acrylic I bought for a weir and some silicon. I also got some sugar fine white sand for the bottom. ATM all of with is in my lounge in the corner waiting drilling and movement. I have got the70l chemical bins back from work and I’ve saved up 200l of RO.

I’m waging a mini war with Aptasia atm so all is one hold until I cycle my rock again.

Rock out into bucket with old water a good scrub with an old tooth brush. A RO bath for a day then back into SW with a temp of 35°C for a day then into new SW holding tank.

This process is taking some time atm so the new tanks looking a little way off. Plus I have issues with my skimmer and my Ca reXer

The skimmer isn’t producing a lot of skimmer and it’s taking time to ‘dial in’

The Ca reXer is making too much noise and the solenoid vale pack up I have a new one £80!! But haven’t had time to dial that in. (as you may know it takes some time)

That’s it for now.


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