neon tetra.

GMazzle 83

Fish Fanatic
May 11, 2020
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Hi everyone.
I've recently noticed one of my tetras has not been eating. Plus to the fact his colours are faded, gills are red and seems to be panting. He is the smallest of the 10 and seems to be hiding within the foliage.
Parameters are
PH 7.4
Amm .25
NO2 0
NO3 10
GH 8d
KH 6d
Any info would be great as I don't want to loose him.
Hi everyone.
I've recently noticed one of my tetras has not been eating. Plus to the fact his colours are faded, gills are red and seems to be panting. He is the smallest of the 10 and seems to be hiding within the foliage.
Parameters are
PH 7.4
Amm .25
NO2 0
NO3 10
GH 8d
KH 6d
Any info would be great as I don't want to loose him.
It sounds like your Neon is sick, but that could just be me. Is he eating any plants at all with his comrades or no?
pH is too high for neons. .25 ammonia is not potentially harmful to fish, but still, it should be 0ppm. I am wrong with everything so I'll leave this to @Colin_T
I'm sure you know your stuff, and I agree amm is too high but my tank is still cycling. I have been told tho that the tetras can adapt to the ph of the tank as long as it wont change drastically.
Keeping a close eye as much as I can as I started bk to work on Monday.
It sounds like your Neon is sick, but that could just be me. Is he eating any plants at all with his comrades or no?
Thanks for that.
He swims around a bit then goes hiding.
Haven't seen him eat anything in a while.
Flakes or anything else.
Neon tetra are shoaling fish and should be kept in groups of 6 or more-preferably more, Besides dealing with the water issue and cycling he is stressed because he has no other neon tetras. Their color fades and they also tend to hide when stressed. They come from South American jungle streams so they prefer shade and not bright lights. In my 55 gallon tetra tank I have a shoal of 8 neon and use floating plants to shade them.
I agree they need a group. How bright is the tank? He may also be stressed from the light in addition to all the other things mentioned
Neon tetra are shoaling fish and should be kept in groups of 6 or more-preferably more, Besides dealing with the water issue and cycling he is stressed because he has no other neon tetras. Their color fades and they also tend to hide when stressed. They come from South American jungle streams so they prefer shade and not bright lights. In my 55 gallon tetra tank I have a shoal of 8 neon and use floating plants to shade them.
Thanks for that @Retired Viking
I have 10 of them and they are all doing great except for this one. I have no other tank to separate him so is there anything that you know of what could be wrong with him? Treatments? etc..
I agree they need a group. How bright is the tank? He may also be stressed from the light in addition to all the other things mentioned
Thats true. I have no dimmer on the tank light but the rest seem fine with the it. Flying around right now.
That pH is fine. I have a shoal of cardinals (similar tetra) in water with a pH of 7.8-8.0 for 2 years and counting. The problem is the ammonia. Red gills are a sign of ammonia poisoning. Do a large (75%+) water change right now. Why did you stock the tank before cycling?
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I should have read more closely ;) . I have not seen this in my neons but it is possible that he is being picked on by the others? Could you post a picture of your tank?
No worries it happens.
I just did a large water change so its going to look murky. Usually its crystal :) now that you mention it he does have a lil nip on his tail which i was watching to see if it gets worse.
That pH is fine. I have a shoal of cardinals (similar tetra) in water with a pH of 7.8-8.0 for 2 years and counting. The problem is the ammonia. Red gills are a sign of ammonia poisoning. Do a large (75%+) water change right now. Why did you stock the tank before cycling?
Thanks for that.
I have done already, finished just before I came back here. I know ammonia is bad for them but it should be reducing as the tank cycles. As for stock, I was told it was OK by the pet store??

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