I will just post my very recent experience.
I have a 360l tank with 60cm height. I have 40 ember tetras or so, 20 rummynose tetras
I have added 5 juvenile bolivian rams three months ago and I can honestly say neither the embers nor the rummynose behave more stressed as if a predator was present, their swimming patterns are still the same, I did not notice any difference (though I cant really ask the fish). They do not shoal more, do not group tighter, they even eat with the b-rams on the bottom. I am now worried, if you say they stress the shoaling fish, how should I notice that?
I also have 10 or so sterbai corydoras. Just last week a pair formed of my bolivian rams ( I missed that), laid eggs (also missed that), had them spawn, enter the free swimming stage and defend them for 7 days. At the day 8, the pair dissolved (no idea why, I am new to these cichlids). They had no trouble defending against the corydoras and overnight there were no major losses, the wiggling stage was around 50 eggs or so. Way bigger issue was the rummynose swooping in from the above to eat the fry as the b-rams were not good at defending from above.
Again, all 5 bolivian rams are hanging out in a tight group, swimming along the corydoras, venturing up to the top with the tetras. Even in their defending state it was "rush to make this fish go away" but did not involve any nipping, any full on chasing, any deaths and any biting.