Need To Rant About Work


Fish Gatherer
Jun 24, 2009
Reaction score
York, UK
I'm currently still in 'basic training' and so the bottom of the dung heap as far as staff respect goes. It really shows.

Just some snippets from the last few weeks:

1) Customer comes in with water sample for test, but doesn't have enough water. So I do a 50/50 mix of tank and tap water (which is free of ammonia, nitrites and nitrates) and then double the test reading. Co-worker is 'sent' by my manager to tell me off (in front of the customer) and then the manager comes and explains that I'm not allowed to do this (in front of the customer). I leave my manager to handle the customer and when I return to the shop floor, he explains that I can't do what I did because the chlorine in the tap water will kill bacteria. I agree, and explain that we were not testing for bacteria and bacteria levels in the sample won't affect the results. He tells me that ammonia is a kind of bacteria.

2) Completing my workbook today (which has questions and answers at the back of the book). Hand the completed book in and go to deal with a customer. Just as I am explaining to the customer that it's a really bad idea to put 14 new fish into a tank that has just had an epic number of deaths (apparently not cleaning the tank for two weeks is a big fish killer - what did he have in his tank? I'm thinking ammonia/nitrite spike/over feeding but he isn't interested in getting his water tested - anyway!) . . . so just as I am suggesting he diagnose the problem properly and only add maybe 5 small fish back to the tank, one of the assistant managers (who marked my book) came over and loudly said (in front of the customer) "here you go, you've got loads wrong in the fish section" and then walks off.

3) Going through my workbook and checking the answers and the notes the assistant manager put, I find that -

a) several of the answers that I double checked in the back of the book are apparently wrong
b) that neon tetras have never in the history of fishkeeping been responsible for nipped fins (we even had an argument about this - I was supposed to know, via some kind of telepathy, that the answer they wanted was "tiger barbs")
c) that even with the incredibly uninformative resources I was supposed to be using I was somehow supposed to know a load of stock answers and that any level of initiate taking is not OK
d) that answers my manager gave me when I asked him are all wrong.

Of the few questions I got legitimately wrong, in each case the question had been vague or I had mis-read the question.

4) Apparently putting a single female molly/guppy/platy in with a group of males is fine - I was marked down for noting that the males might pester the female and even stress her to death.

5) P@H 'policy' is 1 goldfish per 10 litres. I am 'too bold' when I advise on tropical fish and it has been suggested that I don't inform customers of eventual size and lifespan of the fish.

6) The isolation facilities are on a centralised system. The fish actually pick up new diseases, let alone get cured for the one they originally had. Survival rate is rock bottom. I'm thinking of re-homing another betta who went in there with mild finrot and now has no caudal and has developed bodyrot. I've already taken one home with me and he was cured within a couple of days of decent water and meds.

7) One of my colleagues did a water change and left the water exchange system on all shift. By 4 pm the tank was full of freezing cold, un-dechlorinated tap water. Several fish died of thermal shock. It's not nice to have to lift an 8 inch syno out of freezing water when the poor beast is too cold to even move his fins. I think he survived. The bala shark was not so lucky.

8) The fish are not Q/Ted at all between coming in on a delivery and going on sale. They don't even have time to recover from the travel.

I left work in tears today. My manager even had the nerve to say he wished more dedicated hobbyists would come to P@H! I wonder why they don't . . .
dammm... i wonder how people become managers at places like these...

feel sorry for you.. maybe you should point the managers to places like these forums
I feel frustrated for you, I cant imagine how awful it must be to have knowledge about something then have a manager knock you down like that - and im sorry, but berrating you in front of customers is totally unprofessional. Id complain about him/her.

Try and keep your chin up, at least you know what you are saying is correct, I just feel sorry for those poor fish :(
You are seeing the difference between fish as a hobby/pets and fish as a business. To casual hobbyists they are your pets with names you gave them. In the business world they all have one name; product.
^^^ another name is profit.

Sorry to hear about your experiences. Try and keep your head up and maybe try and point your managers to these forums or something like that.
^^^ another name is profit.

you took the words right outta my mouth Mr._Fishy

On a seperate P@H subject, what else galls me, is that its a "dog friendly" shop - which is fab, Molly my excitable Lab thought it absolutely incredible, however, she also found the toys stupidly put on the bottom shelves (or clever because once theyve been slobbered on you would have to buy...) fantastic - as for the rabbits and guinea pigs also floor level omg, she wanted them too - I think it is cruel having furries on the floor in pens where they are going to get stressed by a natural predator sniffing and trying to get them.

I took her once when I went to get some training treats..once too many times IMO due to the above

^^^ another name is profit.

Sadly too much is put on the bottom line with some shops. There are many shops I won't sell to when I'm breeding due to their poor attitude towards living things. I've said no to good money & long term contracts in the past, and see no reason to change this in the future.

Ask P@H where they get their furry friends from, this is the reason I stopped dealing with one corporate chain.
why where do they get them from??
P@H, I don't know, but I know of one corporate chain that deals with puppy mills. Good money, but sorry, morally unacceptable.
P@H, I don't know, but I know of one corporate chain that deals with puppy mills. Good money, but sorry, morally unacceptable.

Luckily in the UK we dont have Pups or Kittens (to my knowledge - or in my stores at least) which isnt too bad, its more rabbits, cavies, and rodents, also not so many miles away from here I discovered a puppy farm disguised (poorley) as reputable breeders - how coincidental that these reputable breeders had most breeds of pups available....
I worked at petsmart here in the states, and I was in the same boat you were in, only I wasn't even allowed to work with the animals (the job I was hired for) until a month after I started because their register girl quit without notice (first clue). I was reamed out for a horrible score (actually one of the managers wrote horrible in big red marker) on a secret shopper thing (one of two I got within a twenty minute span in one day) because I didn't actually walk back and help her pick out a dog house, which I couldn't do because one manager was too busy talking to a friend in front of the registers to help me check out five people and ignored all my calls to open a second register (by the way, got like a 98 on register score).

Needless to say, after a month and half of in fighting between two managers about my placement, watching them hire a part time to do my job without so much as a explanation and then calling me in for a conference because I happened to tell the dog trainer (my only friend there) that I felt kinda confused as to why they hadn't put the new person on register and shifted me to pets, and she asked them the same thing, suddenly I was making trouble and being 'anti team', I quit, along with six other people who had been getting screwed over. There is only so much one can take, and I hope things work out for you, but if you need to quit, do it and don't feel bad about it, if they treat their 'profits' that way, you are considered even lower on the list. You're often just as replacable as a dead fish.

Oh, and I live in Lancaster county, which has a huge puppy mill problem. DON'T support ANY store that sells puppies or kittens, no good breeder on the world is going to use a petstore to sell puppies.
An excellent read, confirming to me just how poorly trained these staff become if your only mentoring comes from a set of rules set in stone by someone who clearly has very little fishkeeping knowledge.
I cant believe those workbooks which seem to be so static and must give definitive and specific answers to questions which could have a wide ranging set of answers. Fishkeeping doesn't have any rules only guidelines, there is a little tolerance between what you can and cannot do.

This trend of P@H training would really need to be addressed in some fashion maybe to encompass OATA certifications for it's employees. Otherwise the same continuity of bunkum is going to be passed down the line and they will always be labelled as not a good place to go to buy livestock or seek advice.

Even if they wont put you through the OATA certifications then it may be worthwhile taking them yourself if you wish to make this a profession.
Obviously you care enough about your charges and want to be able to give good advice, so why not go for something that no other P@H staff would have not even the manager.

Fight your corner,dont let them force you to ignore facts to help their profits,and dont walk away quietly cos its a crap place to work. They're truly shocking, my local P@H is rather good and its a hobbyist who runs the fish corner which is probably what makes it so good,any brainwashed teen who doesnt actually like fish will not take any consideration to the fishes welfare when maintaining and selling the stock
You obviously care about fish. Keep up the good work and don't get discouraged. Even though it may seem pointless saving 1 or 2 fish when a dozen are dying (eg the cold water episode), for that 1 fish you rescue it's literally a matter of life and death. If your manager keep mistreating you, check the company policy on bullying with HR department as a last resort before quitting. Even if you decide to leave anyway, the manager will have a bullying complaint on his HR records which may stop him ill treating your successor and colleagues.

PLEASE NOTE One piece of advice -make sure you inform your manager, ideally in the presence of another staff member before taking any diseased fish home to care for. Otherwise you expose yourself to the danger of being sacked for "stealing" fish. Many big chains would rather throw away damaged stock than let staff have it. At B&Q they sprayed all damaged stuff with fluorsecent pink paint before smashing it and throwing in skip rather than let us have it and people have been sacked for eating a squashed grape at Sainsburys!
I feel frustrated for you, I cant imagine how awful it must be to have knowledge about something then have a manager knock you down like that - and im sorry, but berrating you in front of customers is totally unprofessional. Id complain about him/her.

Try and keep your chin up, at least you know what you are saying is correct, I just feel sorry for those poor fish :(

He's a nice guy (the manager, not the assistant manager) but he dosn't seem to be a good people manager. I was pretty torn up when he got someone else to tear a strip outta me in front of the customer but apparently he was too "busy" to come himself. The other guy seems pretty nasty though. Not sure what to do about him.

Not going to complain though. I'm on my probation period and they don't need an excuse to fire me. Not getting on with my manager would be a pretty good reason.

You are seeing the difference between fish as a hobby/pets and fish as a business. To casual hobbyists they are your pets with names you gave them. In the business world they all have one name; product.

Yeah, I know. I was prepared for them to be totally un-sentimental, but the idiocy of some of the staff annoys me and some of the policies are frankly stupid and wasteful.

An excellent read, confirming to me just how poorly trained these staff become if your only mentoring comes from a set of rules set in stone by someone who clearly has very little fishkeeping knowledge.
I cant believe those workbooks which seem to be so static and must give definitive and specific answers to questions which could have a wide ranging set of answers. Fishkeeping doesn't have any rules only guidelines, there is a little tolerance between what you can and cannot do.

This trend of P@H training would really need to be addressed in some fashion maybe to encompass OATA certifications for it's employees. Otherwise the same continuity of bunkum is going to be passed down the line and they will always be labelled as not a good place to go to buy livestock or seek advice.

Even if they wont put you through the OATA certifications then it may be worthwhile taking them yourself if you wish to make this a profession.
Obviously you care enough about your charges and want to be able to give good advice, so why not go for something that no other P@H staff would have not even the manager.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


Looking into that! Thanks!

Do you know what the difference is between the 'Certificate' and the 'Advanced Diploma'? Is the Certificate an OK qualification?

You obviously care about fish. Keep up the good work and don't get discouraged. Even though it may seem pointless saving 1 or 2 fish when a dozen are dying (eg the cold water episode), for that 1 fish you rescue it's literally a matter of life and death. If your manager keep mistreating you, check the company policy on bullying with HR department as a last resort before quitting. Even if you decide to leave anyway, the manager will have a bullying complaint on his HR records which may stop him ill treating your successor and colleagues.

PLEASE NOTE One piece of advice -make sure you inform your manager, ideally in the presence of another staff member before taking any diseased fish home to care for. Otherwise you expose yourself to the danger of being sacked for "stealing" fish. Many big chains would rather throw away damaged stock than let staff have it. At B&Q they sprayed all damaged stuff with fluorsecent pink paint before smashing it and throwing in skip rather than let us have it and people have been sacked for eating a squashed grape at Sainsburys!

Don't worry, I had to pay for the sick boy. Full price (minus employee discount). We're not allowed to take fish home to nurse.

He doesn't bully me. I think he's just set in his ways and not bright enough to learn new things. I'm not making any complaints until I am more established there and out of my probation period. The assistant manager is a piece of work, but same still applies!

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