Need Help With New Fish

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Oh okay cool thanks was unsure how long the dechlorinator take. Thanks very much for the help guys!
madfrog; I suggest you have a read through of some of the articles/threads in our 'Cycle Your Tank' sub forum. That'll give you more of an idea of what is involved, but basically, what you need to do is grow some good bacteria that eat the fish's wastes and stop them turning the water toxic (that's what 'cycling a tank' means).
Until those bacteria have grown, you'll have to keep the toxins (ammonia and nitrite) as low as possible with water changes. If you think about it, it makes sense to fish in cycle a larger tank than a small one, as it'll take longer for the toxins to reach a dangerous level in a larger volume of water.
You will need test kits (and get liquid or tablet based ones, not the paper strip kind) for both ammonia and nitrite, as a matter of urgency; pH, hardness and nitrate you can think about later.
Hey, Thanks will have a read soon. Just got back from fish store holy smoke those test kits are way out of my price range at the moment ($70 for full kit or around $40 for Ammonia and Nitrite together) The pet store person said he can test my water for free if I bring some water down so I will have to go back down later on today. 
I did come home with a bigger tank to keep my fish happy! :)

Just testing for leaks now.

Also Could I just half fill the tank? I only have a 55W heater that I got from my friend. and Don't have the money for a 100W-200W yet.
What is the volume of your new tank? Of course you can always fill in less water. A 55W heater can be good enough for 100l depending on the temp difference to ambience you want to reach. Just give it a try. Normally also the filter and the lighting will help heating your tank.
Hey it is 100L tank. Awesome Perfect heater then. I think I might need a bigger/better filter?
This is the one from the 16L tank 
Awesome new tank. They will love it. Do you know what is the pump rate of your current filter? Eventuelly you need to get a larger filter but if you stay with the 2 fish only it is not urgent atm. What kind of lighting do you have? If it is decent try to get more plants (preferable not from the LFS, as they are quite expensive there and one never knows if they will grow under the given conditions or fail).
Also the kribs love hiding places so you should add some more caves. You can use tubing or pots for this.
Imho snails are also very good for a tank (many people here don't like them for unknown reasons
) Try to get any of the following: ramshorn, malaysian trumpet snail (MTS) and/or bladder snails. Those will feed on leftover food and rotting plant material and fish waste. But be aware there are other snails which might eat your plants, so don't take anything else.
A typical rookie mistake is also to feed to much. For you it is especially important to feed sparingly as your tank is not cycled. Once a day as much as they will eat within 2 min is enough. There should be no leftovers!
Hope this helps and lots of fun with your two beautiful fish
Hey, It never said what the pump rate is for this filter just a cardboard box with no info on it. If I go buy a new filter would it be okay to have 2 filters going just till the new one gets the good stuff in it?
I do at the moment have a plant that will grow from a friend but will look into finding more. 
I was going put 2 more coconut caves in they seem to love the 1 I have at the moment.
What if your fish don't come out to eat within 2mins? mine normally take like an hour till they decide its safe to come out of the cave.
Thanks so much for your help! 
If you buy a new larger filter, then take all the media (that's all the stuff inside, usually sponges, but sometimes ceramic rings or 'bioballs' made from plastic) out of it, put the media from your current filter in there (chop it up if needs be to make it fit) then fill up the space with the new media (again, cut down if needs be). Tat's better fro transferring any bacteria over than running the two filters together.
The fish are reluctant to come out because they don't feel safe. Oddly enough, the more full of plants and caves and hiding places your tank is, the more you'll see your fish, as they'll know they have hiding places nearby they can swim to in a hurry. You and I know there are no predators in our tanks but the fish don't!
Unless you can go to your LFS for water testing every day, you'll need to do daily water changes of at least 50% to keep the ammonia and nitrite down. When you can get kits, for those two at least (you needn't worry about pH, hardness or nitrate at the moment) you might be able to do less water changes, but there's no way of telling without testing (you can't see or smell ammonia or nitrite, until they get to very high levels).
Thanks for the help again hopefully once they are in the bigger tank they will come out more.  
And should be able to buy the testing kit next week having to sell some stuff to pay for all this. Was way more expensive that I was expecting.
Hobbies usually are, especially if they involve animals!
It shouldn't cost too much once everything is up and going right? 
New tank all up and going 3 coconut caves. new pump and heater. Fish seem WAY happier now they actually swim around following each other and don't hide when you watch them! 
Talked to girlfriend and she helped pay for the Water test kit was $80 but does 800 tests and has all the tests in 1 set.
No, you're right, it's the setting up costs that are the biggest. From now on it's really just dechlorinator and food :)
I'm really glad you managed to get the test kits. Many of us here use the API ones, so you've made a good choice.
Glad to hear its a well known brand was the only brand they had so yeah. Thanks again for everyones help!

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