need help...i think im going to cry


Fish Crazy
Aug 23, 2004
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hi everyone ..i dont know what to do ..iv had ongoing probs with my male better after all my neon tetras got finrot and dyed...

fistly he got pop eye..i moved him out of my 14g tank and in ot a 1g bowl and his popeye went away i was just going ot keep him in the 1g but he was depressed and it made me sad .
.so after treeting my 14g and making sure all the water tests where normal..i moved him back .
he seemed much happer and friendly (only has pleco and a snail for a friend now)
i think on wednesday last week i noticed he was a bit off couler but he was still zooming around and eating like normal....just some of his scales under his eye had gone a bit white.. thinking it could be ich i read up about it and looked at pics of fish with ich watched him for about an hour and relised its deffinatly not ich ..he was not iching and the white was not salty or fluffy looking or anything....

i did a seccond water test and everything came back fine exept for my ammonia that came back with a reading of 1..i did a water change and vaced some of the yucky stuf out of my tank and then on saterday i got the water retested ..everything fine....but he is not

he looked fat ..very fat i fasted him till yesterday and then gave him a pea to munch on..he ate it but hes still fat and now his left gill is sticking out..i was sure its dropsy...

but now im not to sure...looking at him this moring..he is still fat his gill is still sticking out he is still swiming around like normal..and he is still eating ..but his poo is im lost and i have no clue what to do..newzealand sucks when it comes to treating fish..i have two treatments on hand.
.one called malkon malachite green solution and thats for velvet fungus ich/white spot and finrot
and my other one is furan-2 for hemorrhagic septicemia,bodyslime and popeye,cotton mouth and furunculosis...

this is a long post sorry but i dont know what to still not 100% sure it is not dropsy..and if u guys have anyidears to whats going on..or things i should read or do or anything iit would be wonderfull ..iv saved him twice and hes worth saving agen


p.s. i will try get a pic of him tonight..
It sounds like a parasite to me too, internal parasites can cause the white poo, plus bloating. Drospy will usually cause the scales to stick out, like a pinecone. I don't know what medicines you have available there, but I would isolate him again to prevent him giving the other fish in the tank parasites, and try to find meds, ones that can be fed if possible. Good luck.
ok he does not look like a pinecone so yip sounds like would he have got them??

i will move him this the little bowl agen..poor baby.thank u guys i will go to pet shop when i can..does not help that im sick..maybe my mum will go for me.

i will keep u updated..any other things still welcome
if u can get it... id try melafix... worked for fishys gill and even if hes lookin better this time dont flip him back... o and try treating the pleco :p
we dont get melafix here but i will try get something u htink pleco will have it aswell?..can i just treath im in the main tank since its just him and pleco..i dont want to stress him out anymore then i have too and last time he did not like the cold that much
It sounds more like columnaris...("False Fungal Infections" look like fungus but is actually a bacterial infection known as Columnaris. These symptoms may include a white or gray film on the body. ) Treatment: There are a number of effective treatments for many stains of bacterial infections. Three of the most common are tetracycline, penicillin and naladixic acid. Salt baths are another effective treatment.....
Look for any red streaks on the body as well. If it is just centered around the gill..and it's sticking out, it might also be gill flukes.
Protruding gill covers, with violent and frequent swallowing motions, panting and scratching.
Formmalin bath outside of aquarium, or commercially available cure from pet shop, use caution in aquaria containing invertebrates. Use a secondary antibiotic to help with healing.

Look for little white things hanging out of the gill.. Look over the fish, tell us what you see. If you can take a pic, it might help. I wouldn't medicate until you know what it is for sure. I really don't think Melafix will help this. Melafix is more for skin abrasions, or torn or nipped fins.. It is a natural healing agent, not a medication.
i dont knwo what to do..have now more little guy from tank to small bowl(dont worry its a 2 gl one)
ok his tummie is bigger then it should be ..but no pinecone scales
his gill is sticking out but no red bits or white thingies hanging out
he is not scraching him self anywhere or swiming funnie
he is still eating fine......
still swiming fine....
and this moring i found one white dot on him smack bam in the middle of his body
oh and some of his scales are a bit white but probaly from stress (itsn ot ich or anything)..i dont knwowhat to do guys ..i love this fish and want to help so bad but everytime i go to look at him i feel so bad that he is still in pain..and i cant fix it and its getting me down

gonna go get water tested asap......
p.s. no strange swollowing or anything

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