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That kind of stuff makes me CRAZY mad.
That's why I'm glad that PetSmart is going to the barracks system.
I wish everyone would - it would at LEAST fix the problem of people being able to dump them together in the cups.

As for your new little guy - if it's just his fins that are shredded, he's got a pretty good chance of bouncing back. If he has some pretty severe skin wounds, the chances aren't quite so great. Just be prepared for that. I tried to rescue one last weekend that had been in a mighty battle at a wedding when some dumba$$ dumped them in together. He didn't make it - and I think it was a combination of the shock and stress, and the wounds. Oh, and the alcohol that I'm sure they dumped in with him...

I hope he pulls through for you. I think he's in very good hands where he is right now. :wub:
I added some pics of "Shred" to the link. It appears that all his damage is just on his fins, and not his body, so I'm hoping with some TLC that he will recover fully. My other baby is eating a bit of the freeze dried bloodworms, but mostly just hanging out by the surface and not moving much. I'm trying to stay away and let him put all his energy into eating and resting. Everyone keep your fingers crossed and we might be able to pull him through this. :)
OMG Poor Shred :-( . You are right though, it seems to be only the fins. I hope he gets better. I am rooting for them both.
As horiffic as that looks at first glance, I think he's got a really good chance to live a good, long life. It looks like most of his damage was just on his fins and not any to his body, really - unless there's any on the other side.

Just make sure you keep his water sparkly clean and get some salt in there.
Colloidal would certainly help, too - if you could get your hands on some.

Poor, poor little guy.
I HATE to see them in that condition.
Is it possible he has skinny disease?

I had a 2 month old platy come down with it and he lost weigh very fast and was just a spine and some skin with eyes! I did a search and found this skinny disease

I treated with maracyn as suggested and he's now putting on weight again after just one 5 day course :)

Good luck with boy your new boys
Holly cow, that is just cruelty. I can't beleive people can do such a thing like that. The people who feed these guys wouldn't like it if they didn't get fed for days and they are on the verge of dying, so how could they do something like that to a poor fish let alone other animals that can be dying out there right now. It just urks me when people do such a think like that.

Now he is in a better home where someone can take care of him. :cool: :clap:

Yeah, most of the damage looks like it is on his fins. It will take sometime for that to look better.

Good luck and keep us posted on how he is doing. Would love to hear about him.

Shred is doing fine, he's not very active, but he does swim around a bit and he's eating fine.

The other little guy is holding on. He's still not eating well, and if he eats more than a single pellet, he throws them up. So every couple hours, I give him only a single pellet, and he seems able to keep it down. He doesn't really show any interest in the freeze dried bloodworms. I'm going to go out tomorrow and see if I can find another kind of food for him. I may have to resort to going back to petsmart to get him more food. I wouldn't mind checking on their bettas again.

I thought he was a white betta, but he's showing some coloring now. His pelvic fins have turned a dark red, and his dorsal fin is showing some color too. I'm hoping this is a sign that he's getting some nourishment finally.
Have you tried frozen bloodworms, he might find that more palatable then the freeze dried. Do keep us posted. I for one am really rooting for him to pull through!
Aaaw poor Shred! :-(

I'm really hoping they both pull through... keep up the god work Karah's_Mommy!
They've both made it another day. I've found a supply of frozen bloodworms (30 miles away), and I also bought some high quality betta pellets ($9.99 a small bottle). The pellets are smaller than the ones I have, and I'm hoping they're easier for them both to eat.

Shred is doing good, although he seems a little lethargic, prefering to stay on the bottom or top of his tank without moving much. Can't blame him though, his fins are still probably tender and he's likely still recuperating from his injuries and stress.

My other fish, who really needs a name, seems to be doing better. When he sees me coming, he shows a bit of excitement & does a little betta dance. He seems to be keeping down his food, and he ate a bloodworm earlier. Before, his food had to be dropped right in front of him, now he'll swim after it a little bit, but he won't leave the surface if the food starts sinking. I'm very encouraged by this, and hoping for a recovery for this guy too.

My dad just told me he's going to Lowe's ...... he's going to buy me some shelves to put all my betta tanks on ! He says, and he's right, that I need more room for my bettas. What a cool dad I have, although I knew that before now. (Love ya Dad! :wub: )

Just a cute little story to throw in while I'm here: As I was feeding the leftover bloodworms to my baby guppies, my littlest fry that's about a month old grabbed a hold of one. One of my bigger fry that's about 3 months old decided that he also wanted that bloodworm. So the bigger fry grabbed the other end of the worm, and took my littlest fry for quite the ride before they devoured the worm. It was really cute and funny, wish I had my video cam for that one!
You DO have a cool dad! :D

I think you should name the other guy something really ironic, like Tubby. It sounds like he's doing very well :wub: .

Hilarious tug o war story. :lol:
This is such good news! With how emaciated the poor little guy was, I didn't think he was going to make it. I'm so glad he's eating now. And big kudos to you for all of your efforts with these two rescues, and especially for the little guy who you had no way of knowing if he was even going to make it, but you still took a chance on him, anyway.
OMG that poor betta it makes me sad that i go 2 weekends a month were i dont feed freckles :( btw it is a pretty betta ^_^
A weekend without food is not going to hurt a fish.

A WEEK without food is going to make them cranky, but it won't really hurt them.

That fish probably hadn't been fed in AT LEAST two weeks.

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