Nat's 125 Litre Juwel Rio Marine!

tank looks great nat.

loving the fish eye pics. :good:

good find with the RO machine. thought they were like £100 but think i might invest when the tank is up and running.
Hi Nat,

You want the hosepipe connector. That way you can just screw it onto your garden tap (provided its the threaded type and not the push on barb type, although on some you can unscrew the threaded part). Your RO machine will either be 1/4" or 3/8" fittings. Most likely 1/4", so you will want to get 3 tap valves so that once you are done, you can close the valves, trapping water inside the machine - just remember to open them ALL up again when you use it again. The waste water pipe you can either put down the drain, onto a flower bed or straight into a garden pond. The 2nd filter removes the chlorine in the water, so it won't harm fish. My waste water goes into a waterbutt where 2 goldfish live lol.

Arg I'm doomed! Mine is the push-on type and there's no way it will come off.
Hi Nat,

You want the hosepipe connector. That way you can just screw it onto your garden tap (provided its the threaded type and not the push on barb type, although on some you can unscrew the threaded part). Your RO machine will either be 1/4" or 3/8" fittings. Most likely 1/4", so you will want to get 3 tap valves so that once you are done, you can close the valves, trapping water inside the machine - just remember to open them ALL up again when you use it again. The waste water pipe you can either put down the drain, onto a flower bed or straight into a garden pond. The 2nd filter removes the chlorine in the water, so it won't harm fish. My waste water goes into a waterbutt where 2 goldfish live lol.

Arg I'm doomed! Mine is the push-on type and there's no way it will come off.

Ah that's a nuisance. You might have to replace the hose tap to the type that is threaded both ends, but also has the screw in barb for the hosepipe, so that you can still use that. You can get them from any plumbing shop or DIY store. It'd be much simpler to do that then pierce the pipe.
How often should I be testing my water at the moment and what should I be checking? I checked my SG today but it was the same.
Check your ammonia, nitrite and nitrate every day or so, while your tank is cycling. When the first two read zero and the only nitrate remains, do a large water change to kick them. Then test your water again.
Here's todays results!

SG: 1.022
Ammonia: <0.25
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 1
Today's results:

SG: 1.022
Ammonia: <0.25
Nitrite: 0
Nitrate: 0.5

Is it about time that I did the 50% water change? I could try and get my salt then too to get the salinity up?
Nah, you dont need to til ammonia and nitrIte are both zero

I think both of those are 0. The Salifert test kit for Ammonia that I have doesn't have a 0 on it, just a <0.25
The water is cloudy white/clear when I test for Ammonia anyway.
I've got a feeling that my tank is done cycling. I haven't had any peaks (that I noticed as I couldn't test my levels for the first week of having the live rock) but maybe that's because the live rock I got was really good quality?

My water has remained the same since Tuesday anyway, it's got loads of little bugs and things in it, plus button polyps and other polyps that I'm not sure what they are, lol. I'm going to my LFS tomorrow to get some more salty water so I can do a big water change. Then I'll test and maybe get some of my CUC on Sunday ^-^ yay!

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