Nano Tank Diary...

If you are going to keep fan worms then i sugest you use very fine foods for them. Live phyto is the best (its good for just about everything) maybe cyclopeze too.
parker313 said:
Thank you! I'm really enjoying them so far. This morning, I fed some freeze dried brine shrimp and one piece got caught on one of the brown polyps and it closed up on it for a while and when it opened back up, the shrimp was gone. It was pretty cool.

For some reason, I'm partial to these sort of corals more than some others :)

Oh, I forgot another thing I want to get at some point - a fan worm :flex:
Watch who you use that word "coral" in front of. I was posting on the Subaru board asking who else kept SW tanks, because I know quite a few of them do, and when I mentioned "coral" and posted the pic of my polyps, someone was QUICK to jump in with the nerdy "That's not coral... those are a species of colonial anemones" ;)

Those ARE nice looking though... VERY nice. I haven't seen any with that beautiful color in person before... great find! If I were you, I'd hold off on the feather duster for a bit though. I wanted to add one to mine, but was warned the tank probably isn't mature enough, and there's not enough naturally occuring food in there to sustain any type of fan worm. You'll really have to make sure you feed it phytoplankton and stuff.
Navarre said:
If you are going to keep fan worms then i sugest you use very fine foods for them. Live phyto is the best (its good for just about everything) maybe cyclopeze too.
Thanks for the tip. I was contemplating getting some Cyclopeze for my polyps anyway to ensure they get enough to eat since my tank isn't mature yet.

LOL - OK then, I am partial to "colonial anemones" :lol:

If you're in Savannah, GA, my lfs had several other rocks with some of the yellow polyps. They were all smaller, nano tank sized. The good thing about the smaller bits is that they're not NEARLY as expensive as the bigger ones.

They had a gorgeous leather mushroom that I was so tempted to get, but it was just way too big for my little tank.
I have a buddy who goes to the Savannah College of Art & Design.... but personally I don't see myself coming to Savannah in the forseeable future. Maybe I can have him pick up a rock for me next time he's coming home :)

I was in my LFS today, and no leathers or anything like that. All he really has right now are hard corals, a few polyps, and some Xenia. I'll have to request he get one of those leathers when I'm ready for it.
chkltcow said:
I was in my LFS today, and no leathers or anything like that. All he really has right now are hard corals, a few polyps, and some Xenia. I'll have to request he get one of those leathers when I'm ready for it.
It's Exotic Underworlds at Montgomery Crossroads and White Bluff - it's the only shop in town that does SW at all, good thing they're a good store!

My "bumblebee hermit" has abandoned his bumblebee shell and went back to his original (Cerith?) snail shell :lol:
My "bumblebee" hermit is a very fickle little guy! Every day since I wrote that last post, he's alternated back and forth between his original shell and the bumblebee shell :lol: He leaves the other shell in the same corner and just hops into the other one.

Good news, fish wise. My clown is looking really good. He doesn't hang out sideways near the filter anymore at all. He hangs out right front and center or in one of the front corners. He's still eating really well and is settling better and better :flex:

This week, I may go back and see about another coral, but I don't know if the hubby will let me quite yet :p
Everything's still going well and I can actually tell that my little bitty clown fish is getting a little bigger :flex:

I've lost a couple of the yellow polyps, but the rest of them and the brown ones are doing really well.

I got 2 more gallons of salt water at the lfs today, so that was an extra $2.00.
Oh yeah. While I was at the lfs today, I asked them about my Melafix "incident" from a little while back. Their best explanation was that since the oxygen exchange in a small tank is sooo much different than in a big tank, it's much easier to overmedicate in a small tank. Makes sense :thumbs:
Yeah, these guys are pretty good. They're awesome - they never try to sell you stuff you don't need. One time I thought I needed a whole new filter for my FW tank b/c my filter had died. So, I went in there and told them I needed a new filter and when I told them why, they told me how to fix it! There have been a couple other times like that :thumbs:

Everything's going really well in my tank. No new additions right now, money's kinda tight and I'm fighting some unknown mystery toxin in my FW tank that's taking my fish $$ :/

My clownfish is doing really well. He still swims funny and sleeps in the front right corner, like he's doing a head or tail-stand. A couple of times I thought for sure I'd find him dead in the morning but he's doing really well and I can even tell he's gotten a little bigger. I feed him a little bit twice a day - flakes, dried enriched brine shrimp or frozen brine shrimp. Sometimes, I'll put some of the frozen brine shrimp in a syringe and feed the polyps.

I think my next purchase might be another coral of some sort. I'm waiting until *at least* the new year before adding another fish. I'm still looking at a goby - I like the purple fire goby and the rainford's/court jester goby.....
Both are excellant fish.. take a look at the Hectors Goby ;) IMO its better coloured than the Court jester.. far deeper patterns. (though both fish look very similar).

I have a Hactors goby in my tank... its taken him since September to appear but over the last few days he is finally getting bolder and is out more often (its hard for him though when even the turbo snails are bigger than him :-( )
Will do, thanks for the suggestion :) I like these 2 b/c they're ones the lfs carries. They have some others too, but with a 10g, I know I'm limited to just the smallest ones. I'll check out the Hectors goby!
Here is a couple of piccys of my hectors goby and some piccys of my Dot Dash Blenny.

Both fish are great little characters and a great addition to any reef tank.



And the Blenny (He loves the clam :*) )


I went to the lfs today to get another little bitty percula clown to be a buddy for the one I already have. Well, the lfs was all out and they only get them once every couple of months. By that time, this guy will be too big and I don't want that trouble.

So, I looked at 2 fish that they did have in stock - the purple firefish and the banded goby. I was torn, but ended up going with the purple firefish, one of the other fish I really wanted but hadn't mentioned b/c the lfs hadn't had any!

I also got some more LR to help build it up along the back wall of the tank and hopefully help the little guys feel more at home.

Cost breakdown to come later, gotta get the rock in :)
Purple firefish are great fish!
Ihave one in my tank and they stunning fish to watch. They can be a little nervos though so make sure your tank is ell covered because they are renowned jumpers :crazy: :-(

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