Nano Reef Diary... Updated 18/06/06

tomorrow hopefully! Give me time, im still a bit ill at the mo :p... but damn it going on Holiday Monday morning, i better recover 100%.

here are the updated pics... was waiting for my new coral frag purchase to come out before i took more pics :p

Tank pic...


Free feather duster!

Pussey Coral!

Moving in the flow...

Cleaner shrimp checking me out...

Green Yuma (Ricordia?)...dont think i have the light for it, but it got chucked in when i bought a mushroom frag...

Thats all for now!

Nice update

Looks fantastic.

Hope you've got someone trustworthy to look after it while you are on holiday !
Thats looking really good Ben :D Have you not got any fish in it yet though? You should get some clowns :D

The cleaner shrimp looks cute!! :) I love those guys! You'll have to keep an eye on the copper in your water though, i lost mine cos it had too much copper in it :/ So everythings having to wait until i get it all sorted again, annoying! -_-
thanks guys!

Ava_Banana, cost about £250 so far, not cheap, but then not expensive by comparison to most marine tanks.

Jess, yeh i have 2 fish in it. All going well, copper hasnt been a problem, i use rowa-phos and copper which removes most of it. Getting a B&W Percula at some point!

I've just got a load of stuff from Real Reefs to get rid of most of the copper. Really weird stuff i had to put in the filter, but it seems to be working! :D Just a few more water changes and i can get some of your lovely corals.. If they dont all sell out again :p

Clowns are great little fish! My two are really friendly, and they seem pretty peaceful, they haven't bothered my wrasse at all :) Is that the last fish you'll be getting? You'll have to put some more pics up when you get him :D
Just so you know Jess we got more stuff in today, so come in at the weekend and there should be some nice stuff on sale (give a couple of days to label it).

Lots of fish came down from quarentine today, and We have a re-stock of marines from our wholesaler, one of which i didnt approve of, you might notice it in the marine bay when you are next in. We also got a tropical delivery today, so over the next week or 2 there should be some really nice stuff on sale.

And some shots from this evening. Pussey Coral and mushrooms starting to receed 30 mins before lights out, but you still get the idea...




One of the newest additions..

And another..


And my last non-coral addition....Sexy Shrimps!



Ben :)
With the nano reef setup being so small compared to the "norm" marine aquarium. How often do you have to do water changes and what problems does this kind of setup pose.
I do water top-ups whenever its needed, usually at least once a week. water change is once a month.

I have personally found it very easy to setup but I did lots of research first. As long as you get good quality fully cured live-rock you can get into it quite easily. Just make sure you do some planning first and try to figure out what kind of setup you want before you start buying.

Potentially in any marine system there is the chance that a relatively small mistake could make the entire tank crash. Although I think my success has been down to my caution and thought that anything I do COULD mess things up, so i check and double check.


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