i ran a sw area in a petstore for a while and had a 25gal of my own running a few months before i moved. i know i made mistakes and think i can fix them now that i found this sorce. im thinking of a 30-55gal tank for my new apartment. my daughter loves nemo so im slightly leaning to sw again. in my old tank i had a snowflake eels and a red hawkfish. they lasted 3 months. well the eel jumped tank a little before that.
i had a 25gal, butchered the lid to fit a protien skimmer, penguin 200 filter. live sand and a bunch of fake coral. this time i want to go about it the right way. first thing is lid. my parents were peved when they founf my eel in the dining room, and when i moved out the salt all over the wall. so im thinking of a plexiglass plate with a real glass area for the light and some form of lid that seals shut.
filter, i kinda want to save space so maybe a fluval 300 or one of the aquaclear 500 from my 150gal in storage. im kinda ticked i gave away most of my stuff when i moved cause i took a look in the store the other day and nearly passed out at prices. any thoughts, tips, tricks, known stuff for sale, or good fish shop in nj (been out of the game 2 years) post up or email me. meantime im gonna start reading the pinned stuff.
i had a 25gal, butchered the lid to fit a protien skimmer, penguin 200 filter. live sand and a bunch of fake coral. this time i want to go about it the right way. first thing is lid. my parents were peved when they founf my eel in the dining room, and when i moved out the salt all over the wall. so im thinking of a plexiglass plate with a real glass area for the light and some form of lid that seals shut.
filter, i kinda want to save space so maybe a fluval 300 or one of the aquaclear 500 from my 150gal in storage. im kinda ticked i gave away most of my stuff when i moved cause i took a look in the store the other day and nearly passed out at prices. any thoughts, tips, tricks, known stuff for sale, or good fish shop in nj (been out of the game 2 years) post up or email me. meantime im gonna start reading the pinned stuff.