Nano Fish Discussion

Glad you think so!   xD
Tek oot.
I would say this should be pinned... But it's the only thread in the Nano tanks section.
Fundulopanchax gardneri a.k.a gardner's killifish is also suitable in the 5 gallon categrory



> 12L or 3 gal
Betta Splendens (Betta or Siamese Fighting Fish)
Betta Pugnax
Betta Imbellis
Poecilia Wingei (Endler's Guppy or Endler's Livebearer)

> 20L or 5 gal
Dario Dario (Scarlet Badis)
Trichopsis Pumila (Sparkling Gourami)
Poecilia Reticulata (Guppy)
Carinotetraodon Travancoricus (Dwarf Freshwater Puffer)
Licorice Gouramis
African Dwarf Frogs
Corydoras Pygmaeus (Pygmy Cory)
Indostomus Crocodilus
Fundulopanchax Gardneri (Garner's Killifish)

> 28L or 7 gal
Boraras Brigattae (Mosquito Rasbora or Chili Rasbora)
Danio Margaritatus (Celestial Pearl Danio)
Hyphessobrycon Amandae (Ember Tetra)
Microdevario Kubotai (Green Neon Rasbora)
Aplocheilichthys Normani (Norman's Lampeye)
Microrasbora Erithromicron (Emerald Dwarf Rasbora)
Microrasbora gatesi
Microrasbora kubotai
Microrasbora nana
Microrasbora rubescens
Boraras maculatus (Dwarf rasbora, Dwarf-spotted rasbora, Spotted rasbora, Pygmy rasbora)
Boraras merah
Boraras micros
Boraras urophthalmoides (Least rasbora, Exclamation-point rasbora)
Chocolate Gouramis
Sundadanio axelrodi
Shell Dweller Cichlids
Mosquito Fish/Gambusia
@ TallTree01
Lol, get it pinned anyways! I'm cool with that!
OK mate, thanks for that added it to 5gal.
Tek oot.
Aphyosemion striatum (Red-Striped Killifish)
Epiplatys Annulatus (Clown Killifish)
Nothobranchius Rachovii (Bluefin Nothobranch)



> 12L or 3 gal
Betta Splendens (Betta or Siamese Fighting Fish)
Betta Pugnax
Betta Imbellis
Poecilia Wingei (Endler's Guppy or Endler's Livebearer)

> 20L or 5 gal
Dario Dario (Scarlet Badis)
Trichopsis Pumila (Sparkling Gourami)
Poecilia Reticulata (Guppy)
Carinotetraodon Travancoricus (Dwarf Freshwater Puffer)
Licorice Gouramis
African Dwarf Frogs
Corydoras Pygmaeus (Pygmy Cory)
Indostomus Crocodilus
Fundulopanchax Gardneri (Garner's Killifish)

> 28L or 7 gal
Boraras Brigattae (Mosquito Rasbora or Chili Rasbora)
Danio Margaritatus (Celestial Pearl Danio)
Hyphessobrycon Amandae (Ember Tetra)
Microdevario Kubotai (Green Neon Rasbora)
Aplocheilichthys Normani (Norman's Lampeye)
Microrasbora Erithromicron (Emerald Dwarf Rasbora)
Microrasbora gatesi
Microrasbora kubotai
Microrasbora nana
Microrasbora rubescens
Boraras maculatus (Dwarf rasbora, Dwarf-spotted rasbora, Spotted rasbora, Pygmy rasbora)
Boraras merah
Boraras micros
Boraras urophthalmoides (Least rasbora, Exclamation-point rasbora)
Chocolate Gouramis
Sundadanio axelrodi
Shell Dweller Cichlids
Mosquito Fish/Gambusia
Aphyosemion striatum (Red-Striped Killifish)
Epiplatys Annulatus (Clown Killifish)
Nothobranchius Rachovii (Bluefin Nothobranch)
OK guys little update, added a few more colourful Killis :D
Tek oot.
Great thread Tek!
Just a thought - is it worth putting how many fish for each species in these size tanks? 
Hmmmm...yeah probably, I'll get on it.

Tek oot
Sorry - misread the post, thought it said maximum you could keep in x size 
I would just like to point out that some of the stocking maybe wrong, and will be changed when I am made aware of it.




> 12L or 3 gal
Betta Splendens (Betta or Siamese Fighting Fish). 1m 1f
Betta Pugnax 1m 1f
Betta Imbellis. 1m 1f
Poecilia Wingei (Endler's Guppy or Endler's Livebearer). 2m 4f OR 5m (if you don't want them to breed)

> 20L or 5 gal
Dario Dario (Scarlet Badis) 1m 3f
Trichopsis Pumila (Sparkling Gourami). 1m 3f
Poecilia Reticulata (Guppy). 1m 2f OR 3m
Carinotetraodon Travancoricus (Dwarf Freshwater Puffer). 1m/f
Licorice Gouramis. 1m 3f
African Dwarf Frogs. TBA
Corydoras Pygmaeus (Pygmy Cory). TBA
Indostomus Crocodilus TBA
Fundulopanchax Gardneri (Garner's Killifish). 1m 2f

> 28L or 7 gal
Boraras Brigattae (Mosquito Rasbora or Chili Rasbora). 6
Danio Margaritatus (Celestial Pearl Danio). 6
Hyphessobrycon Amandae (Ember Tetra). 6
Microdevario Kubotai (Green Neon Rasbora). 6
Aplocheilichthys Normani (Norman's Lampeye). 6
Microrasbora Erithromicron (Emerald Dwarf Rasbora). 6
Microrasbora gatesi. 6
Microrasbora kubotai. 6
Microrasbora nana. 6
Microrasbora rubescens. 6
Boraras maculatus (Dwarf rasbora, Dwarf-spotted rasbora, Spotted rasbora, Pygmy rasbora). 6
Boraras merah. 6
Boraras micros. 6
Boraras urophthalmoides (Least rasbora, Exclamation-point rasbora). 6
Chocolate Gouramis. 1m 2f
Sundadanio axelrodi. 6
Shell Dweller Cichlids. 6
Mosquito Fish/Gambusia
Aphyosemion striatum (Red-Striped Killifish). 1m 2f
Epiplatys Annulatus (Clown Killifish). 1m 2f
Nothobranchius Rachovii (Bluefin Nothobranch). 1m 2f

Ok guys added the stocking limits. They are a GUIDELINE not a rule, always check stocking plans with an experienced member of the forum, they will help you. This is mostly a reference for the species of fish which are capable of being kept in nano tanks.

Tek oot.
Thanks, Tek! This couldn't have come at a better time, as my step-daughter is starting up a 5g for her classroom and was just asking what kind and how many fish she could get. Perfect!!
There's only one obvious mistake in the new guidelines:
Betta splendens can rarely be kept in any male to female ratios specially in a 3 gallon tank.
TallTree01 said:
There's only one obvious mistake in the new guidelines:
Betta splendens can rarely be kept in any male to female ratios specially in a 3 gallon tank.
Yeah, that probably wouldn't end too well on a permanent basis :p
The list is definitely starting to look useful though, plenty of options at all. It might be worth a pin once it's been exhausted - and of course when there's more threads in the freshwater nano tank section.
Fell free to post some photos or start a journal if you have a nano tank running that you'd like to share. We all like photos! 

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