Nano Diary

SWEET[/s :alien: ] your aquarium looks really cool. :) mine sucks. :X il put pictures of it up later. :fun: can you tell me how you got rid of that hair algae? :/ hey and im going to buy 3 clownfish tomorrw-is it necessary that i put them in salt water? because im thinkin il just put them in my freshwater.also uhm my LFS employees think that im not ready to start an quarium so then i started ROTFL. :shifty: so i thought my water levels we OTT. someone give me some advice :sad:

stealhealr--ur my hero!!! :wub:
SWEET[/s :alien: ] your aquarium looks really cool. :) mine sucks. :X il put pictures of it up later. :fun: can you tell me how you got rid of that hair algae? :/ hey and im going to buy 3 clownfish tomorrw-is it necessary that i put them in salt water? because im thinkin il just put them in my freshwater.also uhm my LFS employees think that im not ready to start an quarium so then i started ROTFL. :shifty: so i thought my water levels we OTT. someone give me some advice :sad:

stealhealr--ur my hero!!! :wub:

:crazy: Please don't get any fish tommorow! (Maybe its a joke and i haven't caught on?)

No saltwater fish sould be put in FW so please don't even try. Those LFS employees seem to be right....For Once!
Please read as much as you can in this nano part and then post any questions you have in your own thread!
Your no where near ready for fish from the sounds of it.....

Hypostumos Plycostumus is a fraud.....He is my cousin who is making fun of us. DO NOT RESPOND TO HIS COMMENTS!!! He is making this up and he has no fish tank. _CF he is immature and wants people to like him.
Hypostumos Plycostumus is a fraud.....He is my cousin who is making fun of us. DO NOT RESPOND TO HIS COMMENTS!!! He is making this up and he has no fish tank. _CF he is immature and wants people to like him.

that clownfish guy sure knows what hes talkin about!. really. dont respond. im just some idiot who lives in the boonies. and i am immature. just ignore me and you will be happier. thanks. from now on i think il just not write any more comments. im gonna get into what im really interested in....EMUS!!!! someone should really start an emu forum. also by the way did u really think i was gonna put a clownfish in freshwater??? im and idiot. not an ignoramus. good luck.

•*• I wish I wish I was a Fish •*•

that clownfish guy sure knows what hes talkin about!. really. dont respond. im just some idiot who lives in the boonies. and i am immature. just ignore me and you will be happier. thanks. from now on i think il just not write any more comments. im gonna get into what im really interested in....EMUS!!!! someone should really start an emu forum. also by the way did u really think i was gonna put a clownfish in freshwater??? im and idiot. not an ignoramus. good luck.

•*• I wish I wish I was a Fish •*•

Well i hope you feel better now that you have got that off your chest.... :huh:
Yea don't pay attention to him.....Ok so today I am going to my LFS to buy some water to see if that will make a difference with the algae_CF
I got my DO water and I started mixing it with salt. If this doesn't get rid of the algae I am going to think about giving up because I have tried everything.
-Bigger Water Changes
-DO water (didn't really work for me)
-Getting rid of most gravel
-Protein Skimming
-Changes more Often
-Basting the algae away with a turkey baster
-Activated Filter Carbon

Anyone else got any ideas?
Buy your own Ro/DI Unit, You don't know how old the membranes are in the water you are using.
Have you tested the water you are using for Nitrates, Phosphates and the other Bad guys?

Not sure if i missed a post or something. Unless i'm a bad counter you have 5fish in a 20gallon. You should really on have 3 fish max on a tank that size. If you can reduce the numbers then your bioload will decrease which may help you out :)

Thank You, I want to sell my yellow damsel, my two clarkii clowns, and my anenome, because the clowns will eventually get too big and so will the anenome, I also do not like the damsel. The damsel is soooo hard to catch, but the clowns are easy. I am going to call my LFSs to find out if any of them will buy them. _CF

I also want a manderin, I have been researching him. My LFS said that in order for him to survive you need at least a 6 month-1yr old tank for it to survive. I was also researching how to grow your on copepods. If anyone has any suggestions please let me know. Also my LFS said the Manderin and my yellow clown goby will not get along, but in there tank they have 5 clown gobies with the maderins and the manderins seemed to mind their own buissness, so did the clown goby._CF
Any replies for the manderins? Anyways I AM VERY SAD!! I just sold my two clarkii clowns and got ripped off. They cost $20 each, and I sold them both for $13.33. DO NOT comment that that is the worst selling price ever or I will not like you. I am already mad that they had to go, hopefully the algae will receed now. Thank you for listening. _CF

One more thing. After I get rid of my damsel. Which will leave me with my clown goby 2in and my jawfish 3.5 inches, what else can i get? Please help! A Manderin? or a Oceileris?
Any replies for the manderins? Anyways I AM VERY SAD!! I just sold my two clarkii clowns and got ripped off. They cost $20 each, and I sold them both for $13.33. DO NOT comment that that is the worst selling price ever or I will not like you. I am already mad that they had to go, hopefully the algae will receed now. Thank you for listening. _CF

One more thing. After I get rid of my damsel. Which will leave me with my clown goby 2in and my jawfish 3.5 inches, what else can i get? Please help! A Manderin? or a Oceileris?

Fish shops have to have a mark up to make a profit. IMO you did well getting $13 for them.
:) You say your trying to combat algae, and you just got rid of these fish to reduce your bioload, why do you want to get more fish? A madarin would starve in your tank IMO. Its too young ATM, and even target feeding would increase the bioload your currently trying to remove/reduce. :S And another clown...? You just sold some...
Well i dont know. I only have two fish and thats kind of boring. What does IMO and ATM mean? sorry _CF
IMO = In My Opinion
ATM = At The Moment

I was just reading through your diary before. And was just questioning the wisdom of placing fish back into the tank when you just sold 2 to try and reduce the bioload.

Why dont you fight the algae battle first, and then place fish and corals in the tank when its more balanced. :nod:

Has your algae problems slowed down at all?
Have your tested the water you are using for nitrates and phosphates?
I know RO/DI Units are pricey but it'll be your best defense against algae if it's removing the phosphates.
Ps: You can buy bottled cultures of pods and add them to your tank or grow them in their own small tank. There are US suppliers, you'll have to ask about or try google. You'd probably have to dose your tank every now and again. Getting a mandarin already eating frozen mysis would be a bonus but you'd still need lots of pods. I've read lots of threads about mandarins being kept successfully in nano's (1 Year +).
I agree with Mr M get your algae sorted out first :)

Thanks for the help. It seemed that the algae has slown down, but I think it will take a while for the full effect to take place. My macroalgae is growing faster and better, so that is a good sign. I have a DI unit, but it didn't seem to work because the algae kept coming back, but it was probably because of the overstocking. I think I will pass on the manderin. Thanks again _CF

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