Nano Diary

Encrusting implies that the coral spreads over the rockwork in a platelike or crust like pattern compared to a mushroom which is soft and extends over the rockwork with the mushroom itself. SH
Finals are over, Thankfully. Now I'm on christmas break. I want to get a magfloat because now most of my
algae grows on the side of the tank. The hair algae is under control, but there still is some. I think I will
buy 2 or 3 more large turbo snails.

I want to add more live rock, but I think if I did it would cause everything to die. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Dan is cool. He is my cousin and supports my fish hobby. I think I will hire him to take pictures with his new digital camera.(His dad is a professional photographer)
How long has the tank been set up? You have to be careful adding live rock if your tank isnt fully matured, and you have to certainly make sure that the rock you are adding is fully matured.

Yea, I don't think I will add in anymore LR.
Today, I got 4 large turbo snails for the hair algae problem.
I also got a peppermint shrimp. At first he was white, but now he is turning more red.
I looked at Candy cane coral (caulestra) at my LFS, but it was $40.
Ok gtg
The peppermint shrimp will not come out! He keeps hiding. Will he ever come out?
Also yesterday I bought a magfloat. They are so great. I had diatoms all over my glass and I
couldn't get them off, but I put the magfloat in and they all disappeared.(even though it took
a large amount of scrubbing.
The Turbo snails are doing great, they have eaten a lot of the hair algae.
What do cerith snails do? And what are the kind of snails that eat the red cynobacteria.?
Im not sure about them eating the red cyno, i know some urchins do. They are very good sand sifters though, i have 3 of them in my 15G tank and they do a good job of helping keeping the top of the sand bed turned over.

Astreas will eat cyano as will Mexican hermits. The pep is probably very shy..especially if he is alone. SH
Today my peppermint shrimp died. I think he probably died because he was lonely, he never came out. If I
bought a Skunk cleaner shrimp, can he live alone?
Anyways, I want to buy a Bak Pak 2+ protein skimmer, I just have to convince my parents to let me buy it.

Another problem I have is every time I feed my anemone a small piece of a silverside, it inflates very largely, but then the next day it is all shriveled up and is all green?
Any solutions, or why this is happening?

Today my peppermint shrimp died. I think he probably died because he was lonely, he never came out. If I
bought a Skunk cleaner shrimp, can he live alone?
Anyways, I want to buy a Bak Pak 2+ protein skimmer, I just have to convince my parents to let me buy it.

Another problem I have is every time I feed my anemone a small piece of a silverside, it inflates very largely, but then the next day it is all shriveled up and is all green?
Any solutions, or why this is happening?
I will get some new pics soon, my cousin has taken a lot of good ones!
Can't answer the anemone question....I'm not a nano believer for them..but the skunk cleaner can live fine by himself. Mine is around now since inception. SH
My Jawfish
Yellow Damsel and Turbo Snail
Today I got 2 astrea snails and a large feather duster. The feather duster hasn't come out a lot but he did once then when I came back he was closed up and I saw a feather sitting on my live rock. I tried to look to see if there were any more but I couldn't find any, so I do not think he lost all of his feathers.
I do not know if I should buy a protein skimmer or not. My LFS checked my phosphate levels and said everything was fine. I think its just the really powerful light I have.
So I do not think I will buy a protein skimmer. I am just going to buy more snails and hermit crabs.
Cya lata

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