Nano Diary

I found my feather duster's feathers floating in the aquarium. But the worm is still in the tube, so I am guessing that the will eventually grow back. Thats all for now,

Do you have a skimmer on the tank yet? If not then i suggest you get one. You probably aren't exporting enough excess nutrients with just water changes. You should probably get a back-pack style skimmer.

A Red Sea Deluxe is way OTT in my opinion. Over skimming is just as bad as underskimming - bear in mind that a Red Sea Prizm is rated for a maximum of 100 gallons, that's 5 times bigger than your tank. I personally would look for something rated a little closer to your tank volume.
Well I ordered a Prizm skimmer because it was reasonable price. I was wondering if it had adjustable flow?
Also I moved my anemone so he will be flat instead of at a 45 degree angle because it seemed that the closer part of the anemone was doing better. He seems to start to be doing better. I will post pics later.
I also ordered coral-vital. I hope it does something. Has anyone ever used it before? If so, Does it work?
If my protein skimmer stops the algae I will eventually get some more coral. I am also thinking about adding some tufa rock to make the reef look buffer and better, also for more coral, do you think this would be a good idea. I wouldn't add it until the nuisance algae significantely slows down.


SH, you are my inspiration. Please help me out here! -CF
I have got a Prizm Deluxe Skimmer on my 16Gallon & its working fine! I used the same one on my 80Gallon & it was crap on that.
clownfish, has your hair algae got better? We have a hair algae problem in our tank (100g) we had some hermits a while ago but i think they all died. We bought a yellow tang and a blue cheek goby to eat it but theres still a lot. Do the hermits and snails help? We also just bought some phosphate remover and i'm going to set it up fluidised using a fluval 103 external as the pump and a quicksand fluidised filter. Any advice on filter media to put in the external? The only skimmer we have is an air driven one ( it hink its a sander not sure though because its old) we dont use it though, will it help with algae?

almost forgot. I think your tank looks good. I like the Clarkii's
you can slow the flow rate of the prizm skimmer and this is generally reccomended on smaller tanks. If you can fit one they are fairly good skimmers, although if you dont adjust it properly it will be noisy.

Thanks for the compliment.

Hair algae is still a problem but it is not all over. The best defense against hair algae are LARGE turbo snails. The smalls ones only eat a little then rest for a couple days, but the big ones can eat about one-fourth and inch of hair algae off of a side of a 2.5 x2.5 size rock. But the bad thing is that after they eat that algae I move them to where there is more, then after they finish eating that, the hair algae is back on the other rock. I have blue legged hermits and Personally I don't see that they do a lot. Astrea snails are also good.
The only media I have used has been activated carbon. If the phosphate remover media works let me know.

My protein skimmer comes tommorow. I read in my reef book that it takes around two weeks for the switch of nuisnace algae to go away good algae to begin to grow.

For a good protein skimmer, go to ( And go to their protein skimmer section.(Turbo Floater, I heard those be awesome, but too big for my nano) Also the water you are using may not be very pure. Do you have a RO of DO unit. I have a DO unit, but I put about 15 gallons of water in a bucket and brown algae started to grow in it. That might be the problem. So this weekend I will make SW in a 5 gallon bucket 2 days before the water change. Maybe that will help.

I also ordered some Coral Vital, that may help the coralline algae I'll post if it does.
ok thanks for the advice. I cant go on the site to buy stuff because im in UK but thanks anyway i'll let you know how it goes. I dont have a water purifier but can get free De Ionised water but we used that a while ago and some fish died so i don't know if it was to blame. Is it safe to use after aerating and adding salt?
I'm not sure. You could probably ask them to test the water. There may be a bad chemical that leaked in it or somthing. Its always risky buying water, because you don't always know whats in it.
My protien skimmer arrived. I have had it on overnight so far, and it is getting out some stuff. I put some coral vital in and 10 mins later my anenome perked up, I don't know if thats what caused it to. I'll keep you updated on that. I'm still trying to get the right water to air propotion on my skimmer to maximixe the bubble contact time. The skimmer is very large, but it does not ruin the look of my aquarium. I will get some pictures next week. I will be gone the whole weekend. -CF
just bare in mind once your water params are spot on you will want to start "target feeding" the anenome, either using a pipette, turkey baster or similar, to direct any type of fairly meaty frozen food towards its mouth. Gamma Shrimp, Brinshrimp, Mysis should all work fine to start with.


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